
I’m Sick Of Finding Myself Repeating The Same Things & Feeling Unheard

I’m sick of repeating the same things over and over to my team! I feel like they don’t know what to do!  Sound familiar?

Bigstock-Many-colorful-speech-bubbles-w-17121674Does your team truly know their role day in and day out? Is it clearly defined? Clearly defining roles must be step one to an engaged employee. Why? Because it helps them plan for the work anticipated and more importantly for the work NOT anticipated. The nature of the beast in most law firms.

If you’re personally experiencing any of the below symptoms register for the 90 minute focus session “You've Defined Roles…Now What?”

  • Blaming others for the job not getting done
  • Out of balance workloads
  • Lack of action because of ineffective communication
  • A “not sure” so “take no action” attitude
  • A reactive work environment
  • Poor morale
  • Multiple stops needed to find an answer

During our time together we’ll look at each role in the firm and work on a recipe for success owning roles in your practice. To attend the 90 Minute break-out session at the LWP Tri-Annual Practice Enhancement Retreat, “You've Defined Roles…Now What?”

Contact Marci Otts at to reserve your seat. All registration closes September 29th, 2014.


It’s Going To Be Really Hard!

Labor Day weekend is always a “2-minute warning” type of weekend for the Hall family. Like so many other Americans, once the calendar hits the first Tuesday of September, we panic because the clock is running out on the nice weather. This year we headed to the Grand Canyon to camp for three nights. As we hit I-70 westbound, we bantered back and forth about all the fun we were going to have exploring with two other families we were meeting there, with collectively 10 kids in tow.

IMG952398Saturday, as we hiked the south rim, we consulted with a park ranger on a few different trails we had been pondering for our Sunday hike. This time we were going to hike down the canyon. The ranger coached us on the best hikes to take with kids in the pack. We finally decided on one that would take approximate two hours roundtrip. We were given the caution list of all the things to take into consideration, as this is a “hard” trail.

Early Sunday morning the 14 of us started hiking down the switchback rock bed trail. We met many great people along the way – of all ages and sizes. Because of the repeated warnings of the hike’s difficulty, we started out slow, stopping and checking to make certain everyone was OK. As we waited, we conversed with the folks coming up. Again, many of them warned us it was going to be hard. It wasn’t until about 20 minutes into the hike that it dawned on me why everyone we met expressed how “hard” it was going to be.

Most hikes consist of hiking up a gradual incline, where you can see the summit. You see where you’re headed, how you’re getting there and when the end is in sight. If the hike is too challenging or way out of your comfort zone as you ascend, you can easily turn back, knowing the hike down provides a reprieve. And you can go back to where you started the known.

When you hike the Grand Canyon, on the other hand, you start at the rim and hike down. There are switchbacks every step, since hiking straight down would surely result in death. You cannot see where you’re headed or how you’re getting there, and the end is definitely not in plain sight. The hard part for most people is hiking up, not down. So there is little enjoyment for the hikers who like to know where the finish line is, get through the hard part first and coast through the easy part on the way back. Hiking the Grand Canyon is not the “norm” when it comes to hiking, so people are quick to exclaim how “hard” it’s going to be.

This is interesting, because many people who said “it’s going to be hard” didn’t know that firsthand. They were just projecting either what they were told or were feeling the uncertainty of a unordinary route. The truth of the matter is, the hike itself was NOT hard – it didn’t test the strength or endurance of the adults or even of the 6-year-old we had with us.

As we began to hike back, it got me thinking. (An occupational hazard as a coach.) Where else in our lives do we buy into the story that something is going to be “hard?” The feeling can be especially strong when we aren’t sure where we are headed, how we are getting there or what the journey back will be like if it doesn’t work out. What if I can’t do this?

I witness this daily with phone calls from burnt-out, transitioning attorneys who can’t stand another day in the courtroom but can’t comprehend the unknown path to an alternative. The certainty of their misery is far less painful than how hard it’s going to be to get on a different path where we will guide them through all the uncharted territory.  I also see it in the attorney who needs to fire an underperforming, entitled employee who has been there since the firm’s inception. There is no named replacement on the horizon, or any certainty that the revenue will be coming in to support the transition. Same with the receptionist who is so very ready to share her ideas about marketing, and is eager to step up to tackle that role. But what if her vision doesn’t work out? What if the job is too much for her? What if the results don’t come immediately? Marketing people are often the first to get cut when funds get low.  

People tell us how hard life and business will be when we share where we are thinking of heading. And we believe it – so we don’t even get on the path. Consider the possibility that “hard” actually means something you’ve never done before that doesn’t have a map with a certain path carefully dotted from beginning to end.

Are you standing at the start of the path feeling oppressed with anxiety and uncertainty, and is that making the change feel like it’s too much work and too hard?

If you're an estate planning attorney and want to learn more about Asset Protection, Medicaid & VA, check out the agenda for our Practice With Purpose Program we're having October 20nd-22nd in Phoenix, Arizona.

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.



Are You Showing Up?

You've heard the quote a million times – “Ninety percent of life is showing up.”  You may be saying “I show up every day.  I work my tail-feathers off.  I feel as though I am swimming upstream with cinder blocks tied around my ankles.  If only I could get an assistant on board.  I just need the phone to ring more.  I just need …”

Bigstock-Suitcase-on-luggage-conveyor-b-50936357“Showing up” is not about the day-to-day grind.  It’s not about “time to make the donuts.”  “Showing up” is about stepping out of your everyday world and stepping onto a plane, getting into a room with like-minded folks and taking the risk to close your firm for two and a half days when you have every reason in the world why you should not.  But you do it because you have faith that the very thing you need to get over the hump is waiting on the other end.

Hear firsthand from your colleagues on how this is more than true:

“The knowledge you will take away will be very beneficial to the success of your firm.” – Jessica K.

“It’s an amazing program!  Helps keep things focused and moving.  If you’re going to attend, bring the whole team so everyone can gain info & be empowered.” – Jordan S.

“It was outstanding!  Well worth the time and money to attend!  Why weren't you here?” – Frank M.

ACT by Friday, August 29th to get in on the Early Bird opportunities to support you with your trip to Phoenix:

  • $150 Airline Gift Card (2)
  • 1 Night stay at the event hotel (2)
  • $150 Food & Beverage voucher at the event hotel (1)

This is the last Practice Enhancement Retreat of 2014.  If you are on track for meeting annual goal, feel your team is running consistently on all cylinders, have a great work/family life balance and see no areas in need of growth, refinement & efficiency…CONGRATS!!!  

If that’s not the case…STOP waiting for “X” to be in place before you make the commitment to have the practice you know you’re close to creating.  There’s not a business owner that we know of who got over the hump magically, or on his or her own.  

Consider the possibility “X” is on the other side of the Practice Enhancement Retreat and you can still end 2014 with record numbers.  But you MUST show up to uncover the possibilities.

Contact Kyle Russ at kruss@lawyerswithpurpose to register today!

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process. 


Seriously, 128 Days until year end!?

Can you believe there are fewer days ahead than behind in the “New Year”? Wasn't it just 1 year ago where you were saying “NEXT year is going to be the red letter year!”? How’s that going so far?

Bigstock-Hourglass-6197878I recently read an article by Daily Mail UK that states we waste 69 minutes a day procrastinating, a study claims – three years of our adult life. And one in five of us waste more than two hours a day putting off what we should be doing. Read more: 

Why putting things off wastes 69 minutes a day and three years of your adult life

How long have you been putting off setting revenue goals? Creating, and operating weekly by, a marketing plan? Investing in getting your team properly trained and running on all cylinders?

TODAY is the day you will want to get your seat reserved for the LWP Tri-Annual Practice Enhancement Retreat…. the EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ends Friday, August 29th. So, if you’re looking to reduce your costs, get your registration in to enter into a drawing for:

  • $150 Airline Gift Card (2)
  • 1 Night stay at the event hotel (2)
  • $150 Food & Beverage voucher at the event hotel (1)

To register today email Kyle Russ at

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process

Everybody’s Swimming Upstream

During our weekly marketing meeting recently, our social media strategist shared that she was having problems getting information from one of our vendors; “They say they can’t give us access because….” Without skipping a beat, our CRM extraordinaire blurts out, “So sad, everybody’s swimming upstream.”  Living in a world of scarcity = if I give you access to X, then you may no longer need me.

Bigstock-Salmon-Jumping-Up-The-Brooks-F-54555656Once I got involved, it was like magic – we had the information we needed in less than 15 minutes. I couldn’t help but incessantly think about this over dinner and, honestly, well into the night. OK, I lost sleep over it. How could a vendor we are doing business with (paying) not give us what we are paying for? 

One of my favorite authors, Brené Brown, sums it up beautifully: “We each have a choice in any setting to step back and let go of the mind-set of scarcity. Once you let go of the scarcity mind-set, we discover the surprising truth of sufficiency. Sufficiency is an experience, a context we generate, a declaration, a knowing that there is enough and that we are enough.”

It got me thinking about the law firms I work with every day.  From the first implementation call, we are pumped to get on the team’s side because “here we are to save the day,” we have systems and processes to make your life so much easier and efficient. Over the past 17 years, fewer and fewer teams are stoked about the promise of systemization. They fear they will become irrelevant, that they will eventually be out of a job. They think, I’d rather swim upstream day in and day out than gamble with the possibility of becoming unnecessary.

We all want to be needed. Scarcity creeps in when it comes time to give up that special X that only you do or have.  But the honest truth is that people will continue to pay you over and over, and never think twice about it, if they feelsafe, heard and appreciated.  Integrity, compassion and character cannot be systemized or replaced – especially in the personal services industry.

So the next time you feel that bit of panic when someone asks you to systemize what you do or train so and so to do what you do or provide us with the passwords to X, dig deep. Check in, and if your integrity, compassion and character are in place, nothing but opportunity and growth is waiting on the horizon for you. If you lead with creating a safe environment where people feel heard and appreciated, you have nothing to worry about.  Those “job functions” are few and far between.

One of the first homework assignments we give to our members and their team is listenting to "The Attorney / Team Mindset To Create An Extraordinary Practice."  We highly recommend you carve out 1 hour of time – with your team – and give it a listen.  We promise, it WILL change your mindset day in and day out and the way you all communicatea nd function as a team moving forward.

If you want to learn more about Lawyers With Purpose join us at our Asset Protection, Medicaid & VA Practice With Purpose Program October 20-22nd in Phoenix, AZ.  Register now.  Seats are filling up quickly. If you are already a member and want to attend Practice With Purpose, contact Angela in Member Services at


Planning Anxiety

How many times have you found yourself anxious about change – no matter how big or how little – simply because the uncertainty ahead appears daunting? Many of us make up a colossal fact pattern in our heads with anticipated upset (emotionally, financially, organizationally, etc.)  involved in the final outcome. In my experience, when you take the plunge and dive into the deep end of the pool versus easing into the shallow end, you find it wasn’t as rattling as you expected. 

Bigstock-Self-Developement-Concept-55844918Two weeks leading up to heading east from Colorado to New York, I had an unnecessary amount of anxiety about making the “big trip.”  I was scripting an elaborate story about how hard it was going to be to walk into the family home of 43 years that my parents built when I entered this world (child #4 of 6). The last time I was there was in February, when my mom passed away in our family living room.  It was one heck of a year for 35 Cannas Court: Mom and dad both passed away eight months apart, leaving our family home for the final time.

Truth be told, the moment I walked into my folks' back yard – where the in-ground pool (encircled with my father’s master gardening) was traditionally overflowing with my nieces and nephews, parents and  siblings on any given Sunday afternoon – I instantly felt a calm come over me. I knew this was exactly where I needed to be. It felt very healing. I knew I was not only going to get through this, I could learn and grow from my time here.  I would be better for it. There would be therapy in helping my sisters pack up the home and get it ready for the escrow closing at the end of the month. Cutting my father's grass, though not as well as he would have, would help me to properly say goodbye. 

I quickly remembered the most accurate definition I think I’ve stumbled upon for the term  “anxiety.”  “The root of all anxiety comes from lack of information.” The only information I had in preparing for the trip was from everyone else’s perception. “Wow, that’s going to be really hard,” they told me. “I don’t know how you are going to get through packing up your childhood home.”  And many other renditions of the fear of the unknown, the fear of change and the fear of goodbye. 

I hear attorneys and team alike spout the workplace version of this  every day: “I am nervous to add another person to the bus, I don’t know how I will pay for them.” “If I let him go, everything is going to crumble.” “I really would love to X but I fear Y.”  And as we all know, yet must forever relearn and remember, every time we move forward we find that the dread was worse than the actual change. 

“When you take a deeper look at all the things that you fear, notice that fear is an emotion that exists only in regard to the future,” says Ariane De Bonvoisin, author of “The First 30 Days: Your Guide to Making Any Change Easier.” “Worry and anxiety come from imagining terrible scenarios that could occur in the future instead of focusing on what is actually happening in the present moment.”

Making a move (change) in life is absolutely daunting, especially for those who have lived in an area/situation self-imprisoned by the mental fear of the worst-case scenario. But making the actual move (change) is worth every step versus the alternative of living in the planning anxiety phase, the lack of information (guarantee) about the outcome. The breakthrough is always just on the other side of the breakdown.

Where in your life or practice are you living in planning anxiety?

If you want to experience what Lawyers With Purpose has to offer, join us in Phoenix AZ, October 20-22nd for our Asset Protection, Medicaid & VA Practice With Purpose Program.  If you are currently an LWP member and are interested in attending the Practice With Purpose Program, please contact Angela Crowther at to obtain registration information.

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.




I Have No Clue What She Does All Day

How many of you have truthfully cried out, “I have no idea what she does all day” about your Director of First Impressions as you juggle client appointments, synergy meetings, internal meetings, document reviews and “emergency” calls with your teenage kids while on summer break? I personally hear this no fewer than 20 times a week from entrepreneurs across the map.

Bigstock-beautiful-businesswoman-asleep-16933931Such unfortunate hallway comments are not meant to be a criticism or judgment about the employee. The intent is not to imply that the employer believes she/he is messing around on Facebook all day. The truth of the matter is that when a business owner has that feeling of “I don’t know what she does all day,” it is indicative of a business that is not operating with an organizational structure that relies on job descriptions with weekly tracking and accountability. It’s actually because the business owner is behind closed doors all day in back-to-back meetings, painfully aware of the insane schedule, with little hope of addressing a growling stomach, an overloaded inbox and pressing family obligations.

If you have that sinking feeling about any of your team members, chances are it is not the person but a training and communication matter. Fortunately, this is a very easy fix. And within 30 days you will know if it is actually a case of wrong person, wrong role and how to course-correct. Your CC & I coach can help you create a path and plan to review the employee’s job description, the CC & I suggested 90-Day Training Plan and how to track and measure for weekly effectiveness, all in one hour. Together, you will also conduct a communication analysis to compare each person on your team’s Kolbe, Strength Finder and Languages of Appreciation to determine how to establish consistent, effective communication to ensure you never have that sinking feeling again.

So, if you’ve found yourself saying, “I have no clue what she does all day,” contact to schedule your LWP CC & I member call to support your communications efforts.

If you want to learn more about Lawyers With Purpose and what we have to offer, please join us in Phoenix October 20th – 22nd for our Asset Protection, Medicaid and VA Practice With Purpose Program.  Register today, seats fill up fast!

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process 


The Truth About Your Future Employees

Interviews don’t have to be painful. Honestly. Most interviews are painful because of the quality of questions you are (or are not) asking. Most people are easily seduced by an impressive resume, so most interviewers ask the customary questions: “Why did you leave your last job,” “What are your strengths, weaknesses, etc.”  It’s pretty hard to raise any major red flag in this manner. 

Bigstock-Truth-Torn-Paper-52352908This morning I was supporting an attorney in conducting phone interviews for a paralegal position. In reviewing the candidate's resume, I was pumped – with her current company for 12 years, previous company for seven years and the bullet points describing each position were beautifully crafted to articulate leadership and self-direction. 

Ten minutes into the phone interview I was feeling so hopeful for the attorney. The candidate spoke of how she is financially free, house paid off, husband successfully running the family business. Sweet, I thought, the money conversation should go fairly smooth, since she’s not afraid to talk money and clearly is not primarily motivated by it.  “Fantastic”, I said, “You have such an impressive financial outlook. You’re leaving a company after 12 years and your husband and father are doing well running the family businesses.  I’m hearing that money is not a primary motivator for you; what about coming into the estate & elder law industry excites you enough to make an industry shift, if not solely for the money?”

An awkward long pause. And then LOTS of choked up tears. “I don’t appreciate you saying I am wealthy and spoiled,” she replied. “I take huge offense to this and I am hanging up on you now.” CLICK. Clearly I triggered something BIG for her.  It's amazing how people show their true colors when the questions have some heft and depth to them. It is very hard to have canned answers for how to respond. Google won’t come up with questions like these on the Top 10 Interview Questions lists.  I had never been so happy to be hung up on when I began to visualize how this gal would have handled the first challenging call from an upset, scared, confused baby boomer client who pushed buttons she didn’t even know she had.

To say the attorney was happy when I followed up with my notes is an understatement. The truth is very seldom revealed when we are asking safe, standard questions.  To request  a free copy of “The 5 Minute Phone Interview” script, please contact me at

If you are interested in attending our Practice With Purpose Program, register and reserve your spot today! This event always sells out and will teach you all you need to know to run an efficient and successful estate planning / elder law practice.  We look forward to seeing you in the room.

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.


Estate Planning Marketing Musts

Got ya, huh? I speak with an average of 15 attorneys a week, and more often than not they reveal that they are in dire need of a system for getting clients in the door. But honestly, they need a system but are wanting tips and tricks.  I find it amazing that most people would typically pay double the cost for tips (quick and easy) versus systems (slow and solid).  I have always struggled with this.

Bigstock-Tnt--Today-Not-Tomorrow-57927143But I finally got it. Last Tuesday I received a call from a well-established estate and elder law attorney who has belonged to virtually every organization in the EP industry. He phoned me to “pick my brain” on his investing in marketing bullet X.  A day later I received the following email from him: “Hey Molly, Thanks for your time yesterday. Your systems are quite impressive, intentional and very well thought out. Regrettably, I don’t have the time to spare right now.  I know you said on average it will take approximately 120 days for me to fully implement your systems, if I do exactly as you say and put the time in to do my homework between our CC & I calls. Honestly, I don’t have the leisure of time. I have made the decision to invest in the newsletter we spoke of as it will be fairly quick, easy & will get my phone ringing today. Again, thank you for your time.”

I pulled up my CRM to update his record and noticed that this prospect's initial contact was May 28, 2012. I then pulled up the notes from the initial contact, and almost word for word his “reasons” for not creating the space was that he didn’t have the time to stop and produce an intentional recourse. It wasn’t quick and easy enough. He didn’t have 120 days to “wait.” That was 772 days ago.

I love what Laurie McCabe, an expert at AMI-Partners in providing insights and solutions for small and medium businesses, has to say on this: “To keep pace in an increasingly competitive world, your business needs to run as efficiently as possible. Sooner or later, any company not operating efficiently (systemless) will be out of business.” Efficiency is even more important for small- and medium-sized businesses, McCabe adds, because their resources are limited compared to large global companies.

I couldn’t agree more.

If you're interested in learing more about what Lawyers With Purpose has to offer, join us for our Asset Protection, Medicaid & VA Practice With Purpose Program.  Register today and reserve your spot!

If you're an LWP member and want to join us to "sharpen the saw" – please contact Angela Crowther at to obtain registration information.

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.


The Weight Of The World … Or Opportunity?

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our Attitudes.”Charles R. Swindoll

After being gone from my daily yoga practice for 1 week while in Chicago at the LWP Tri-Annual Retreat I eagerly returned to my 5:45 a.m. Monday morning practice, exhausted after getting on average of 5 hours of sleep a night. As I shuffled into the studio, squawking about how tired I was our teacher began our 102 degree practice with the above quote. Needless to say, my attitude shifted. Quickly, intensely.

The entire class was about how we perceive all the “stuff” that happens to us, day in and day out. It brought me immediately back to and thinking about the 40 national law firms that shut down their practices, team in tow, for 3 solid BUSINESS days, like they do Tri-Annually, to work ON their businesses and lives.

Bigstock-Close-up-of-human-hand-breakin-54368582We launch our retreats with personal shares of what has occurred in your practice since the last retreat, 4 months prior. The shares consisted of; losing team, moving offices (while losing team), personal illnesses, family illnesses, losing parents, employee embezzlement, and so on.   But the absolute magnificence was there wasn’t a trace of defeat or heaviness in that ballroom. Only recognition and appreciation for the opportunities that were waiting on the other side. Each and every firm truly embodied the attitude of “behind every breakdown is a breakthrough.”

The themes swirling through the room; we are lean and mean, were a team of interdependence versus codependency, less is more, intentional focus, short term suffering, eyes wide open. And firms were sharing they had their best quarter EVER…after going from a team of 7 to 3. Or, going on our 9th Client Services Coordinator, but that’s o.k., not tolerating anything but superstar status!

The honest, vulnerable sharing about life isn’t always about hugs & cookies but its what you choose to see when it feels like bread and water….for a blink of a moment. Until you can anchor yourself to what you know to be true. When they got over the tragedy of their worlds crashing down they anchored to the skills and tools they need to have a 2mm shift, and recourse. The Money Plan, job descriptions, time templates, whose doing what to reach goal, The Revenue focuser. They knew for those that were having to double up on roles, there were the Tri-Annual Retreat Focus Sessions waiting for them right outside the door on, Marketing, Client Services, What’s Happening Behind the Conference Room Doors, Medicaid and VA Qualification and Application, IPugs vs. LLCs, How to Plan With IRAs, Communication Skills, Power In Partnership, Annual Client Maintenance Program, How To Have An Empowered Team, Getting Financial Advisors To Do Their Homework, Client & Financial Advisory Boards, Becoming 360 – personal development coaching day, your future focuser…and so, so much more. All right at their fingertips. Like a strategically placed safety net. And the coolest part is that every single firm that shared their weight of the worlds/opportunities over the past four months did it all on their own. They hunkered down and regrouped. I have to admit, there was a small part of me that felt irrelevant. Off they go. 

What shows up in your world is solely based on your perspective of what is “happening” to you.  Do you see the challenges you face as a business owner (and human) like carrying the weight of the world or endless opportunities? It may sound “hokey” but there is no mistake that you open up any periodical, social media application and/or blog and there is a universal shift around “you manifest what you think.” You keep telling yourself that carrying the weight of the world “comes with the territory” you will continue to attract big monster cinder blocks of “troubles” to carry around versus “there is a lesson in this and I am grateful that I am open to discovering it. I need not only make the best of it but make the better of it. What do I need to do first?”  See the difference?

The Weight of the World…or opportunity?

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.