
Balance Your Time – Control Your Practice

An elephant balanced on a small ball, a tightrope walker, a ballerina en pointe.  I am continuously amazed and impressed by balance.   To me it denotes focus, grace, concentration, skill, practice, dedication and a sense of victory.  After all, what is balance but a victory over gravity achieved by dedicated hard work?

Bigstock-Managing-Risk-39992806After 15+ years’ experience as a team member in a number of law firms, and the past eight months as a CC&I coach to several dozen firms, one of the most striking differences I’ve noticed between successful firms and struggling firms …. is balance.

What does that mean?

LWP strongly advocates a 40/40/20 split of firm time, held in place by a time template that is honored.  This means the firm spends 40% of its time on specific client-related activities, such as appointments, drafting, reviewing and processing.  Anything that has a client name on it goes into the 40% client pot.  Notice that I didn’t use the word “prospect.” 

Anything done to encourage a prospect or prospects to become clients is allocated to marketing, not including the Vision Meeting or Initial Consultation.   The rule of thumb here is for the firm to spend 40% of its time finding prospects, getting its message out, and enrolling clients into workshops (and then into a Vision Meeting) or initial consultations.  This includes your weekly marketing meeting, time spent developing and cultivating your RMS process, involvement in community events, development of blogs, your website, newsletters … wherever your firm has decided to invest its resources to attract clients.

The remaining 20% of your firm time template should be reserved for firm administration.  This includes your weekly staff meeting, paying bills, filing, bookkeeping, cleaning off your desk, taking out the garbage, and whatever needs to be done to oversee the mechanics of your operation.

A firm that sacrifices or neglects its time template to meet client demands is one that endangers itself and its operation.  It’s just that simple.

I’ve had team members argue with me that the restrictions of a time template limit their ability to meet their clients’ needs. 

A few days ago I was on a commercial airline and heard again for the zillionth time, the instructions that if an air mask drops down, the passenger should first put on his own air mask, THEN assist others.   The underlying message is that you’re not going to be much help to anyone else if you don’t see to your own reserves first. 

Firms that do not honor a time template that is balanced with these three disciplines are recognizable by these outcomes.  See if any are relevant to your team:

  1. Embarrassing mistakes are made in client documents and handling client matters.
  2. Team members are tired, unorganized and discouraged.
  3. Team members must constantly interrupt each other causing productivity to sharply decline.
  4. Revenue can fluctuate wildly from month to month.
  5. Long-Term goals and projects are not completed or are abandoned.
  6. Weekly staff and marketing meetings are hit and miss, often hijacked by more pressing issues.
  7. The firm operates in high-stress mode, focusing on what is urgent and demanding, often overlooking critical, but less urgent issues.
  8. Your RMS process suffers from neglect and prospective synergy partners lose faith in your firm and its promises.

If your firm is not operating under a firm time template that has an effective 40/40/20 allocation and you would like help in structuring a more efficient environment, drop me a line at

To learn more about Lawyers With Purpose and how we can support you in your estate planning / elder law practice, please join us and experience first hand – in the room – for our Practice With Purpose Program in Phoenix, AZ, October 20-22nd.  We only have limited space so click now and register today.

Nedra Catale – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose


The NEW Lawyers With Purpose Estate Planning Process™ Binder

If you have not yet noticed, the entire LWP Estate Planning Process™ has been revised with new documents and support tools.  Go to the LWP Processes Tab, click on the first tab (LWP Estate Planning Process), and check it out.  The first folder – “Estate Planning Process Full Binder” – contains a single link that will enable you to print out 90% of the contents and should replace the 2012 binder you have been using.  There are 229 pages of great stuff in there.

Bigstock-We-Guide-You-Through-Every-Ste-48455321The Five Key Focusers™ have been updated to enable your firm to capture additional important information and are available to you in both Word and Excel formats.

The Workshop Outline has additional information about free publication for your workshops, and a detailed but concise follow-up process with supporting letters.

Check out the “Appendices” tab in particular as that contains updated and revised tools for your firm.  The organization mirrors the process, so you can easily locate what tools you need for each step of the process. 

For example, if you want to figure out what goes into a Vision Meeting™ folder, all the pieces are together, in presentation order.  Simply click, insert your firm logo and print.

There are 18 letters that support the process, from workshop enrollment to file closing. 

In Appendix “F” we have revised versions of the design templates that more closely mirror the design software. 

In Appendix “G” we have included sets of inserts for your client estate planning binders that provide an overview of each document, plus additional client planning pieces such as Memorial Instructions.

In addition, videos and webinars that support each step of the process are in the process of being relocated so that members can more easily educate themselves on specific steps in the process. 

As we continue to develop additional tools for our members, they will be search indexed, and added into the appropriate steps of the processes. 

I’m personally very excited about these changes, and would love to hear your feedback!  Email me directly at  And, if you're a member you have access to "How To Fully Implement The LWP Process" webinar on the members website.

If you want to learn more about the Lawyers With Purpose Estate Planning Process, please join us in Phoenix on October 20-22nd for our Practice With Purpose Program.  Click here to register now and reserve your spot.  Seats fill quickly so register today!

Nedra Catale – Coaching, Consulting and Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose


Rules of Vacation

I’ve had a few implementation calls with a team that is 100% committed to reaching their revenue goal.  They’ve got all they need in their pipeline, marketing is producing leads, workshops are getting filled, production is keeping up as much as possible with the growth, etc.  They have such determination to reach goal that it’s been inspiring to participate in their conversations, anchor them to the LWP tools and support them.

Bigstock-Happy-couple-on-the-beach-of-s-49742783At this point, the key to their success lies in creating and committing to the old 40-40-20 time split.  You know, the “40% lead generation/lead conversion, 40% revenue-producing activity, 20% firm development” ratio.  The hardest part is the reality of making it happen AND holding each other accountable that they are doing what they committed to on their time template.  So, to make sure they were on the same page, communicating and setting standards and ensuring that their intentions were set in stone, they created their firm's “Rules of Engagement.” 

This had such an impact on the team that they decided to take their rules a step further.  When talking together and planning for the upcoming vacation for the attorney, the team created some “Rules of Vacation” to make sure he took some much-needed time away without having to worry about the office during his absence.    

What’s great about it is they had fun, but they also set standards for what will and will not take place on vacation.  They gave permission to check in with the office, but only at certain times and for specific reasons, and that leads to boundaries and standards.  The rules also make certain that he is present with his family during the time away.  My favorites are #’s 7 & 8:


  1. Vacation means vacation – trust your team – you have the right people in the right places – they have your back when you are in the office at all times – they will have your back when you are out of the office at all times!!!
  2. Vacation begins at 5:01 P.M. on ________, 2014.  Your spouse has permission to call at 5:02 P.M. to make sure you are on your way home.  You have permission to work until 9:00 P.M.  on the day prior to your vacation starting, if you choose, in order to “clear the decks.”
  3. Attorney may not call the office unless it is in response to a 911 text, email or voicemail from the team.
  4. Attorney may check and respond to emails at assigned times approved by spouse once in the morning and once in the evening so that they don’t have anxiety about it throughout the day. 
  5. Attorney MUST at all times be on vacation.A
  6. ttorney MUST at all times have fun.
  7. Attorney MUST at all times be present to the family.
  8. The family MUST make attorney put on either Mickey Mouse ears or a princess crown and send that picture to the team for future blackmail and accountability purposes.
  9. Attorney MUST tell himself or herself every day that this vacation will not be a repeat of any dreaded prior vacations and remember what a great workplace we have created to permit such a vacation. 
  10. Attorney MUST not call the office 100 times a day!
  11. The family MUST hold attorney accountable for any deviation from items 1 through 10 and attorney MUST be willing to accept and suffer the consequences for breaking any of the rules.  (The team suggests letting the grandchildren make grandpa into their favorite princess, including putting on make-up, and sending those pictures to the team to provide ample incentive to obey rules 1 to 9.)
  12. Attorney MUST get the initials of family members as proof that they  went over the Rules of Vacation together and had fun doing it.

I, _________________, acknowledge that I have read and understand the above Rules of Vacation. 

Attorney signature ______________________________

I know we are winding down vacation season and headed back to school and then quickly into the holidays. But grab onto these rules and make them your own and empower your team to communicate so you can power down on that next get away – whenever it is!

If you want to learn more about Lawyers With Purpose and how we can help you take your next vacation AND generate revenue, join us October 20-22nd in Phoenix, AZ, for our Practice With Purpose Program. Click here to register today!  Seats are filling fast and October is right around the corner so grab your seat now.  If you're a member and would like to come to the Practice With Purpose Program, please contact Angela directly at

Roslyn Drotar – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose


Speeding Through Life

So, this morning on the way to work I got a speeding ticket and as I sit and think about my actions it is bringing much to mind.  How often do we speed through life…through our days…going from one thing to the next?  We rush into our days, through our days, and then back home to rush through our evenings and our time spent with family and/or friends.  

Bigstock-the-light-trails-on-the-steet--40546429We say yes…we say no…But are we really giving the questions the proper thought, time and energy?  Are we asking the right questions to ensure that what is being asked of us is going to be carried out in the best way possible and we are the best person to be doing so?  Are we being present in our jobs…during our meetings….at home during dinner with our loved ones…putting our children to bed…or are we just passing through the fastest way possible to get to the next thing that has to be done?  Are we "checking out" and driving in the fast lane with no absolute destination and not giving attention to all the beautiful little moments in between that really mean so much?

Amazing the thoughts that one (not so) little speeding ticket can bring to mind!  We all need to remind ourselves of the value we bring every day…in taking the time to do every little item in our days with intent, purpose and our true being.  Driving in the fast lane is not all it's cracked up to be…you miss so much…you lose so much…you can even lose yourself.

Being present in the moment is what is calling to me right now…in life…in work…in my family.  Be present and be true…and don't let the temptation of the fast lane pull you in…there is so much you will miss along the way.

I challenge you all to take stock…look at your life, your loves, your work, your passions.  Make sure you are present to what is happening every day…make decisions based on knowledge, asking the right questions, and the all-important "gut check".  Become the owner of your life and your decisions…don't be that driver speeding by just trying to get to the next checkpoint the quickest way possible.

If you are interested in learning more about Lawyers With Purpose and want to experience first hand the impact it can have on your estate or elder law practice, join us in Phoenix October 20-22nd for our Practice With Purpose Program.  If you're an existing member and want to attend, please contact Angela at

Marci Otts – Director of Operations, Lawyers With Purpose


Congratulations to Peggy Timmel, LWP Member Of The Month

What is the greatest success you’ve had since joining LWP? 

Organization + Confidence = Increasing Success.  That’s the formula we now have in place.  Sure, we still are working through some of the processes, making them our own and getting the kinks worked out when and as needed.  Not all clients initially expect the process to be as involved, but there is no doubt that our efforts are appreciated. 

PhotoWhat is your favorite LWP tool?

LWP Meeting Focuser (the green sheet) – it may sound strange to some members, but that sheet is reviewed at the end of client meetings so that tasks are delegated and the next meeting with the client put on the calendar.  I’ve been using it for cases that are pre-LWP or non-LWP, like guardianships.  It keeps our team more focused and allows us to move our clients through the entire process more smoothly.

How has being part of LWP impacted your team and your practice? 

We get to travel three times a year and always come back with something to improve our practice.  It has been incredibly helpful to have the support system that LWP provides.  The members provide a great community of support and the LWP systems and processes give us a great foundation to continually improve our practice.


It’s Time To Report!

As a former school teacher I’ve had ample opportunity to be on both sides of reports cards – both getting grades, and giving them.  When we were children, report cards are handed out primarily for our parents’ benefit.  The further we go with our education, the less grading is for parents, but to give us as adults, a means to measure our successes … or failures.

Even though most of us have finished our formal education, and few of us measure our progress through life with grades, we continue to use numbers to measure our successes and achievements.

“How many pounds have I lost on this diet?  How many days have I gone without smoking?  How many miles did I walk?  How much did I earn this year compared to years past?”

We know that an essential key to success is writing down one’s goals.  But those who are successful also document their progress in a consistent way, so that their path to success can be adjusted if need be.

The Pipeline Focuser™, one of the LWP Five Key Focusers, provides a format to document weekly progress by tracking: 1) the number of initial or vision meetings scheduled each week; 2) the outcome of each of those meetings; and, 3) the total dollar amount of engagement agreement value for the week.

The Pipeline Focuser™ is probably the least understood focuser of the Five Key Focusers.  But the information it captures documents an important aspect of your firm’s growth and is directly reflected in your monthly revenue.

PipelineTake a look at the sample, completed through the end of the week.  Note how the focuser reflects the meetings on the firm’s calendar.  This focuser is ready to be reviewed by the team in their weekly staff meeting, together with the focuser for next week, which will show the potential new clients and matters for next week.  It will also indicate which prospects did not engage, and what further action may be needed (see the Follow-up Focuser™).  Here is your firm’s weekly report card.

If your firm is not currently tracking this information, either through the Pipeline Focuser™, or some other system, I hope you will make this a part of your firm culture going forward.  

If you want to learn more about Lawyers With Purpose and are interested in attending our Practice With Purpose Program to learn more about Medicaid, Asset Protection and VA, click here to register today to reserve your spot.  We'll see you in Phoenix in October!

Nedra, Catale – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose


Does Your Car Have A Name?

The “Fact-Finder” in me was interested to learn that Nationwide Insurance surveyed more than 1,000 car owners last September and discovered that nearly 25% of us have named our cars.  In fact, women are significantly more likely to have a nickname for their cars than men (27% vs. 17%).

Bigstock-Cartoon-Car-4797277Next week my “Bessie” has an appointment with our mechanic for a going over.  She’s getting a new timing belt (ouch!), a change of transmission fluid, and I think he mentioned something about a 38 point check.  When I get my Bessie back, she will be thoroughly checked out.  I’ll find out from the experts if there is anything else that I need to be concerned about.

Did you know that LWP offers a similar service for you and your team? Our Implementation Coaches have a point-by-point checklist where we can “check you out” and identify holes in your processes, areas where you may want additional coaching, and even pinpoint potential problems you may not see coming.

Some of our members have asked for an overview of the training and support provided by the Implementation Coaching team. This can be found on the LWP member website, under the last tab – Implementation—in the Introduction folder. In fact, the entire Implementation tab has been reorganized to provide immediate and direct access to the tools needed to progress through the learning path.

Each Module has been set up to support the work that your Implementation Coach does with you and your team.  If you’ve not been on the website in a while, I hope you’ll make a point of checking out the reorganization and addition of new tools.

And please – let us know your thoughts!  We value your feedback.

If you are interested in attending our Practice With Purpose Program, register and reserve your spot today! This event always sells out and will teach you all you need to know to run an efficient and successful estate planning / elder law practice.  We look forward to seeing you in the room. 

Nedra, Catale – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose


Marketing Lessons From Mom

You know how you become a parent and one day you hear those same words come out of your own mouth that you heard from your own parents when you were growing up?  There’s that moment of total shock when you realize that YOU’VE BECOME YOUR MOM!

One of my mom’s favorite sayings is “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Only now, as an adult, do I totally understand what she meant.

MomAs an Implementation Coach, I am constantly coaching firms who, with the best of intentions, began a Relationship Management System, scheduling Synergy Meetings right and left.  Perhaps they made a great first impression.  They made a lot of promises, handed over a folder of materials, and … didn’t follow up.

Now, six months, a year, three years later the law firm must deal with a wounded relationship.  They must decide whether to attempt relationship CPR or chalk the relationship up as a DOA and move on. 

When the law firm is located in a smaller community, this situation is even more painful.  There are fewer potential synergy partners in a smaller pond to pick from and, in a smaller pond, word can spread quickly that your firm doesn’t live up to its promises.

What can a firm do to revitalize a failed relationship?

Step 1.  Determine the potential value of the relationship.  Long ago you met with this professional.  Were you impressed with their resources, business approach and openness to work with you? On a scale of 1-10 how did that first meeting – the Synergy meeting – end?  Was the failure to move the relationship forward the result of lack of follow-through by you and/or your team, or was the failure to thrive a result of lack of follow-through on the part of the other party?  If your take on the meeting scored fairly high and if the failure was a result of lack of attention on the part of you and/or your team, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2. Apologize.  It’s amazing to me what a heartfelt apology can accomplish! If you see the potential in the relationship, and regret your lack of follow-through, then say so, ask for a second chance, and promise to do it right this time.  Be ready to follow through – most people won’t give you a third chance.

Step 3.  Keep your promises.  Integrity is a matter of keeping your word, even to the point of never being late for an appointment and meeting deadlines.  Honor your word, and you and your firm will become known in your community as a firm with total integrity.

These are all things my mother taught me, but life has continued to teach me. And yes, I hope that I will pass them on down to my own children…even if I do find myself sounding just like my mom!

If you want to learn more about marketing for your estate planning / elder law practice, please join us for our Asset Protection, Medicaid & VA Practice With Purpose Program in Phoenix.  Click the link and register today!  This WILL sell out!

Nedrea Catale – Implementation Coach, Lawyers With Purpose


What’s Your Snausage?

My dogs are great!  They’re beautiful, smart, loving and fairly obedient.  (OK, your dogs are all right, too.)  But my dogs are great!!

SnausageWhen Samantha was a puppy, her favorite treats were “Snausages.”  I haven’t seen them on the market in a while and we long ago moved on to other treats, but Snausages were a hard act to follow.   My younger daughter taught Sam to roll over for a Snausage and just taking the bag out of the panty would cause Sam to stop, drop and roll …. over and over and over without stopping until she was rewarded.

Sam’s love for Snausages prompted a philosophical family discussion that I still find fascinating.  The question is – “What is your Snausage?”

So picture this – me, literally stopping, dropping and rolling across the floor over and over again … for what?  My Snausage for a long time was my mom’s hot apricot cobbler with a scoop of Breyer’s Home-Made Vanilla ice cream on top.   But in recent years I’ve tried to stop making my life about food as a reward, and to focus on “feeding” my inner child, or should I say “dog,” in other ways.

I’ve discovered that the best rewards are not the ones I give myself, but the ones that are given to me from others.  And I’ve discovered that other people feel the same way.  So how can I give you a Snausage?

First, I need to discover what you really want and need, and then figure out how to give it to you.

As implementation coaches, we often suggest that teams review The 5 Languages of Appreciation by doctors Gary Chapman and Paul White.  Chapman and White have been incredibly generous to share their quiz on line, together with a brief interpretation of the results.   Have your team members take just a few minutes to go through the quiz, and share the results in a team meeting.  You’ll discover the best way to motivate and appreciate each member.

Then share this story, and just for fun … ask them what their “Snausage” is.

I’d love to hear from you!  Drop me a line at with “Snausage” as the subject.  What’s your “Snausage?”

Nedra Catale – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose


The Difference Between Marketing & Branding

Marketing is actively promoting a product or service. It’s a push tactic. It’s pushing out a message to get sales results: “Buy our service because you have a problem and we can fix it.”  Although it might be oversimplifying, that’s it in a nutshell.

That is not branding.

Bigstock-The-word-Brand-defined-in-a-di-35826296Branding should come before AND is the first layer of any marketing effort. Branding is not push, it's pull. Branding is the expression of the value of an organization or service. It should communicate your values, and clarify what your particular service IS and what it IS NOT.

A brand will help encourage someone to buy a service, and it directly supports whatever sales or marketing activities are in play, but your brand does not say “buy me.” Instead, it says “This is what I am. This is why I exist. If you agree, if you like me, you can buy me and recommend me to your friends.” It’s your reputation. 

Branding is strategic.  Marketing is tactic!

I want to use the example of social media to speak into what is the best way to build your brand.  And I’ll tell you why social media is about being present with your brand for the people with whom you do business, your clients and your prospects.  It's about your relationships.  Your brand is your reputation.

So, just using that as an example, your brand presence represents who you are. It is meant to support your company, reinforcing your reputation, the service you provide and your commitment to your clients. Build relationships in and around your social channels, showcasing your desire to serve them. These relationships are the foundation of your brand’s reputation, success and bottom-line. You are building trust and then seeing the return.

Nurture and cultivate your audience with real conversations and engagement, offering value and rich content. Don’t just ALSWYAS push your URLs and self-promote; get involved. Share. Ask questions.

People buy from people, and they want to get to know you.  They already respect and admire you for your accomplishments, because you’re an attorney and have a license to practice law; with your brand you want to humanize your practice and be personable. The relationships that you build in social channels will lead to increased brand advocacy. Make the time!

Creating an online “experience” for your clients and referral sources though your brand is an opportunity to engage and interact on a more personal level than you can with more traditional forms of media. You are speaking WITH instead of AT them. These relationships can evolve into strong brand advocates to share your message, service and products. This word-of-mouth advertising and shouting from rooftops (social channels) is the greatest form of marketing your brand can hope for. Each consumer is connected and has a voice – they will share their testimonials and experiences with the world, so it is your job to make sure those are positive. Pay attention to them, understand their pain points and give them viable solutions.

So, do you have a brand?

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars or hundreds of hours to create your brand.  You can outsource it to a marketing firm – or even create your own online, for free.  Several members use their firm name with standout fonts that pop.  Do not sit and do nothing because you don’t know what to do. It can take a year to really build your brand, so it’s not something you should wait to make perfect.  It doesn’t matter what shade of blue you use, whether  it’s teal or navy blue, light blue or periwinkle.  But a separate logo, as a distinct way of writing your company or product name, is not an essential requirement for a brand. Many well-known firms exist without logos. Often they rely on their name, rather than a graphic, to create the necessary impact. However, if that's your approach, give some care and attention to the look of your name, but don’t let it stall you.

If you do have a brand, what are you doing with it? 

When you have a brand, there are two things you need to do to build it. (1)  Make sure it appears everywhere.  Period.  Social, stationary, pens, shirts for community outreach, workshop ads, flyers, anything with your firm or your name on it must have your brand!  (2) Deliver on your promise.  Make sure that your systems and process are working, because one weak link or broken promise can weaken your brand.  

Roslyn Drotar – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose