Does Your Car Have A Name?

The “Fact-Finder” in me was interested to learn that Nationwide Insurance surveyed more than 1,000 car owners last September and discovered that nearly 25% of us have named our cars.  In fact, women are significantly more likely to have a nickname for their cars than men (27% vs. 17%).

Bigstock-Cartoon-Car-4797277Next week my “Bessie” has an appointment with our mechanic for a going over.  She’s getting a new timing belt (ouch!), a change of transmission fluid, and I think he mentioned something about a 38 point check.  When I get my Bessie back, she will be thoroughly checked out.  I’ll find out from the experts if there is anything else that I need to be concerned about.

Did you know that LWP offers a similar service for you and your team? Our Implementation Coaches have a point-by-point checklist where we can “check you out” and identify holes in your processes, areas where you may want additional coaching, and even pinpoint potential problems you may not see coming.

Some of our members have asked for an overview of the training and support provided by the Implementation Coaching team. This can be found on the LWP member website, under the last tab – Implementation—in the Introduction folder. In fact, the entire Implementation tab has been reorganized to provide immediate and direct access to the tools needed to progress through the learning path.

Each Module has been set up to support the work that your Implementation Coach does with you and your team.  If you’ve not been on the website in a while, I hope you’ll make a point of checking out the reorganization and addition of new tools.

And please – let us know your thoughts!  We value your feedback.

If you are interested in attending our Practice With Purpose Program, register and reserve your spot today! This event always sells out and will teach you all you need to know to run an efficient and successful estate planning / elder law practice.  We look forward to seeing you in the room. 

Nedra, Catale – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose

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