Robin gordon Adam O'Dell photo

Introducing October 2019 Members of the Month, Robin Gordon & Adam O’Dell

Nashville Tennessee’s renown Music Row has been home to the Gordon Law Group for over 25 years, but its reach extends from Greenville, SC to Charleston, SC, to Nashville TN, and soon to Kissimmee, FL where a new office is about to open.  The firm offers exceptional legal services to those dealing with matters involving entertainment law, business law, intellectual property, family law, and estate planning, and prides itself on staying on top of the ever-shifting laws and keeping up with the latest in technological advances that will benefit its clients. LWP sat down with attorney Adam O’Dell to talk about the Gordon Law Group, which has been an LWP member since July 2017, and about his firm’s experiences with LWP and in his market.


Marketing to the Sandwich Generation: Produce a TV or Radio Ad

On-airTelevision and radio ads are proven tactics to build widespread awareness of your name and firm throughout your community. If you are already using the “Ask” campaign, it will be relatively easy to produce a new ad incorporating a message about the challenges faced by the sandwich generation. Such an ad will allow you to position yourself as the industry leader to this growing demographic. As for content, repurposing the article we mentioned in an earlier post might be all you need.

TV and radio aren’t for everyone. If you live in a large, heavily populated market, TV might be cost prohibitive, although radio could be affordable. But don’t write these tactics off before contacting local media outlets to get a quote. You may be pleasantly surprised at how economical it is to reach a widespread audience.


Marketing to the Sandwich Generation: Sponsor an Event

Sponsor-an-eventWe all have an organization or cause that is special to our hearts. Supporting your favorite charitable organization not only helps those in need and makes you feel good, it can also position your firm as a caring member of the community—thereby enhancing your brand.

Don’t just write a check. Try sponsoring an event, or at the very least participate in one. In this case, you’ll want to choose an event that has something to do with an issue relevant to the sandwich generation… an event for seniors, perhaps, or caregivers. You can find potential sponsorship opportunities in your local paper or online. If you can’t find any suitable events, you can create one yourself.

Once you have sponsored or created an event, be sure to publicize it. Don’t forget to mention your participation in, or sponsorship of, the event. Write an article about it, take pictures, and send them to the local newspaper. You’ll want to post the article on your website as well as on social media, and include it in your newsletter if you have one.


Marketing to the Sandwich Generation: Create a Lead Magnet

Inbound-linksIn the world of digital marketing, the most coveted piece of prospect information is an email address. The question is, how can you convince visitors to your website to provide you with their email addresses? The answer: a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is a free offer or incentive, typically a valuable piece of information, such as a special report or booklet. In essence, you are providing this free information in exchange for the prospect’s email address. You may have the preconceived notion that lead magnets must incorporate massive quantities of content, but that’s not necessarily true. Short downloads can be just as effective at collecting leads as 50-page white papers.

Of course, your lead magnet must be something that many prospects will want. Given the sandwich generation’s growth and its need for planning solutions, a lead magnet focusing on long-term care planning, Medicaid crisis planning and the like should help you capture plenty of leads.


Marketing to the Sandwich Generation: Host a Picnic or Hold a Seminar

Host a Picnic

Host-a-picnicA picnic (with sandwiches on the menu) offers a great opportunity to market your firm to the sandwich generation. You’ll want to invite your existing clients—and have them invite friends and family—together with prospects in your data base. The informal atmosphere of a picnic should make everyone feel comfortable, willing to share their personal stories and greatest concerns. Meanwhile, you’ll  have the opportunity to talk about ways to address those concerns through proper planning.

Hold a Seminar

Seminars are still one of the most popular, and effective, ways to market legal services to the public. While more formal than a picnic, you will be able to make an actual presentation. Content for your presentation can be created by tweaking one of your current PowerPoints to focus on issues important to the sandwich generation, or by making a short PowerPoint from scratch that focuses exclusively on long-term care planning, Medicaid planning, advance directives, and other topics members of the sandwich generation will find compelling. What should you serve at the seminar? Yes, we highly recommend sandwiches.


Marketing to the Sandwich Generation: Write an Article—and Make the Most of It

Write-an-articleWriting a single article about the sandwich generation will allow you to use multiple platforms to get the word out about your firm and how you can address the challenges faced by the sandwich generation. You can use your article for:

  • Blogs
  • Social media posts
  • Your newsletter
  • Emails
  • A press release

What should you say in your article? You want to begin by defining the term sandwich generation, then discuss the challenges faced by this demographic. After that, tell the reader how your firm can address these challenges. You’ll want to close with a “call to action,” inviting the reader to visit your website or contact your firm for a consultation. You don’t have to write a tome here, maybe just 400 words or so. (Of course, if you love to write, you can make your article as long and informative as you want.)

Here’s another tip: You can repurpose your article’s content to produce a video, which you can then post on your website’s landing page. Videos posted on landing pages have been shown to increase conversion rates by as much as 80 percent. A video that focuses on an important topic like the planning needs of the sandwich generation could produce even better results.


Here’s How to Market Your Services to the Sandwich Generation

Sandwich-generationThe term sandwich generation refers to people who are raising their own children while simultaneously trying to care for aging parents. In essence, they are “sandwiched” between these two roles, each of which is demanding in its own right.

Perhaps you are a member of this generation and have first-hand experience juggling the two roles yourself? If so, you are not alone. It is estimated that 47 percent of adults in their 40s and 50s who have a parent 65 or older are also raising a youngster or supporting a grown child. In fact, one in seven of these adults are financially assisting both their parents and one or more children.

This demographic is growing and in need of the services you provide: long-term care planning, Medicaid crisis planning, advance directives, wills, trusts, and more. The question is, how do you reach them with the message that you have the planning solutions they so desperately need?

In the coming days, we’ll provide you with a variety of proven marketing tactics to reach these folks. Check back Thursday for a tactic that’s easy, quick, economical, and can be used a across multiple platforms.


Time Is Money, Make More of Both

Cloud-based-workflowLWP cloud-based workflows and the Color-Coded Planning System can help you manage time efficiently, monitor cash flow, hold your team accountable, and ultimately, realize your firm’s full profit potential. The more you work with the focusers and your calendar, the better you will get at reading them and pinpointing the areas that must be improved to achieve your goals. As always, if you have questions about these tools, or any of LWP’s systems and processes, we invite you to reach out to us.

Always cheering you on,

Your LWP Team


Meet Your Clients’ Needs During Green Time. They’ll Love (and Pay) You For It

Green-timeGreen time is the time you spend on serving your clients to provide the value for which they hired you. This requires working with your team, utilizing systems and processes to create consistent quality, and ultimately, reducing the amount of time YOU work every week, every month, every year.

Green time encompasses all of the following:

  • Working on client tasks, both products and services (light green)
  • Meetings with clients that deliver work/product (dark green)
  • Time with coworkers on work/product (light green)
  • Review of work/product (light green)

Ideally, 40 percent of your week should be devoted to green time.