
Start Where You Are

Sounds pretty obvious, doesn’t it? But how often do we really give ourselves that gift? How often do we stop and tell ourselves, wherever we’re headed, this is where we start? It means being willing to let go of the past. It means resisting the need to race ahead.  It means controlling the stories of why we can’t get started.

Bigstock-Athletes-At-The-Sprint-Start-L-58880123It may be creating a marketing plan when you only have $500 a month to realistically dedicate to the project. It may be finally firing that employee who “knows everything” when you don’t have the rehire in place. It may be making the unyielding commitment to hardwire five hours into your calendar for marketing when you have to answer the phones, draft trusts and greet clients who arrive 20 minutes early so they can tell you all about their grandbabies.

Sometimes the simplest truths are the most slippery. We convince ourselves that it “isn’t that bad” or that we might be “overreacting” or have “unrelenting standards.” These are all especially true if you lead with responsibility and/or harmony on the strength-finder assessment. But if we simply allow ourselves to start from where we are today, that is often more than enough.

Last week I was working with a firm, and the focus of our Coaching, Consulting & Implementation (CC&I) call was “getting the right people in the right roles.” They had just hired two new people within the past four weeks and had let go of a “lifer” employee. They were trying to train the two new hires for the role of “Legal Assistant,” i.e.  “please do it all and take the pain and pressure away.”  The attorney went into explaining about how the firm can't do Y until X and when A is up and running they can implement B. I listened intently to the mental download and then started with “I've got all that.  But we are here and let’s start from exactly where we are. Because in my experience, the have, do, be method never works out to your advantage. (When we have A, then we can do B so we can be the law firm I have always envisioned.) That's because I have never met a firm that woke up one day and all the missing pieces were finally in place (i.e., people, time and money). We’re going to take a different approach.”

The approach of starting where you are:  It allows you to originate from a clean slate so you can get to the root and cultivate a deeper understanding of what you need, right here, right now!  It gets to the heart of the matter – which eliminates all opportunities to create a bigger-than-necessary project. The approach of start where you are allows for one small step at a time. This may sound hokey, but this approach allows us to get down and dirty and take a look at our distractions – the things that tend to get between you and your optimal success.

We'll see you next week at the Members Tri Annual Retreat in Chicago and begin working on your next quarter Money Plan (and yes, we'll be starting right where you are).  In which areas of your practice do you need to start where you are?

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.



Community Means Being There

Our latest Enhancement Retreat brought home a powerful message: Community can be a difference-maker. I simply cannot articulate the sense of community that we all felt there;  you had to experience it firsthand.  I have personally attended all nine of our Enhancement Retreats, and this year we are kicking it up a notch. 

Over thirty five elder law and estate planning firms from across the nation, along with their dedicated team members – 125 people – in a room together for two and a half days, three times a year.  We were sharing values and goals with other like-minded entrepreneurs, law students, paralegals, client service coordinators, marketing coordinators – all of these different roles coming together to make their firms shine.

Members were blow away with what they have accomplished since our last retreat in October – just four short months ago. 

Bigstock-Light-Bulbs-Teamwork-Concept-21698504Community played a big role in making that happen. It’s important to be able to communicate what community is.  People join clubs and organizations on some level for the community they get.   If it’s a gym, you get the accountability of people saying “Where were you on Tuesday?  We missed you at cycling class!” People are dependent on you and they feed off of your energy and the excitement you bring.  The collaboration and accountability that comes from community meant the goals that were set in October were going to get met.  No.  Matter.  What. So being in the room is key; that's a message we can't articulate with a marketing piece.

Being there means you hear things from other members – we call them your Board of Directors – like “You have to slow down and manage that growth,” or “You have to speed up.”  It means you can talk more and share what has worked and what hasn’t.  One of our  members declared in the room that he would be launching consistent workshops starting in April.  His Board of Directors responded, “You can’t wait!  You’ve got to do it now to leverage your time!” 

These conversations with others support you with controlled and consistent growth.  Most people are afraid of growth and success.  It’s scary.  They don’t know if they are doing it right.  They are afraid they are going to blow up what they’ve done before. Community can be the antidote for those fears.

And it goes way beyond the attorneys. For the perfect storm, we also have your team centric. It’s great that you're getting ideas from other attorneys, but the beauty is that they have teams together that are on the front lines.  They’re talking, sharing, gaining confidence and getting fired up!  I was hammered with emails when I got back asking how they can get their hands on tools, webinars and training pieces, to get whatever they need in their bones to support the firm with reaching its goals.

Our attendees are definitely on a high this week – so come April they may gap out.  But June is just around the corner, and they’ll be back in the room for the next Enhancement Retreat.  That will bring accountability.  Collaboration.  Meeting with their Board of Directors.   You will only get so much from the ListServ, the Live ListServ, Your Legal Hour, member webinars, marketing roundtables, etc.; they are no substitute for being in the room.

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.