You ’ve Mastered Your Purpose Story. What Else is Possible? Five Communication Skill-sets for Masterful Social Influence

Bigstock-People-Chatting-Vector-illust-50436599-300x240A special note from Guest Blogger George Ira Carroll:

Hey my friend! Did I have the gift of meeting you in Syracuse, at the LWP retreat? Either way, I’m honored to be a guest blogger and share some more value with you!! Laney attended one of my online training calls on Mastering Your Purpose Story after the program, and the very next day, she gave a talk in Tampa, and here’s what she said:

At the retreat, you learned how to tell YOUR purpose story. This is how powerful your story has to impact other people…and if you’re not sharing your story, no one can benefit from your unique set of experiences that make up the amazing being called YOU! The question is, have you been telling it, and using it at the beginning of your presentations?

Screen-Shot-2013-11-18-at-7.51.46-AM-300x149Many of us learn to discount ourselves over the course of our lives because of the amount of suppression of expression we get growing up. But, NOW is the time to realize that your life is valuable and your story has the power to change lives and inspire others to tell their story.

Click here ( to get the updated version of the Purpose Story Extraction Template. You will also be reminded (if you’ve been through this training), how to structure your story in a way that makes it easy to tell.

Anytime we do anything new, we’ll get uncomfortable – and remember, uncomfortableness is a disguise for growth. So go ahead, tell your story and if it helps you, and it will, practice it a few times out loud. You’ll start to fire off the neurological pattern that makes it easier and easier with each time you tell it!

What’s possible, now? After you begin to Master Your Purpose Story, you can take it to the next level and start to use storytelling in your presentation to influence and convert people into your Vision Meetings. Here are 5 Communication Skill-sets for Masterful Social Influence:

  1. Mastering Your Purpose Story – By now, I think you get this one 😉 Your Purpose Story creates connection, builds trust and sets the stage for everything you’ll say next.
  2. Magnetic Messaging and the Magic of Metaphors – Metaphors have a powerful and invisible quality, very much like the moon influences the tide..Magnetically and invisibly. When you start to use these metaphors in your presentations and with clients, you'll be able to bypass cognitive resistance and move people to action, and create more change. The question you want to answer here is: What is working that you like? What’s images and metaphors come to mind? When you get clear on these, you can use them in your presentations.
  3. The Hidden Language of Success and Influence – Over the last 8 years, I’ve studied the patterns of success and influence, even in language and the fact is, successful and influential people have language patterns imbedded in the way they communicate that moves people to take action. Think of the greatest influencer of all time, in my humble opinion, Martin Luther King Jr. – He had a way with words and language that brought an entire society to be influenced by his dream. Successful and influential people simply speak with more authority and persuasion than people who lack the influential communication skill-set.
  4. Structures of Success Stories and Case Studies – Social proof is one of the most powerful influencers, because it gives people an idea of the possible results of working with you. Very much like commercials use celebrities and public figures to promote their products, your success stories and case studies provides people with a clear awareness of what’s possible when working with you.
  5. Persuasive Body Language Secrets – How you use your body has more influence than the words you use – here’s why: 55% of communication is how you use your face and how you use your body. 38% is your vocal variety – tone, tempo, pace, volume, pitch, etc – and only 7% of all communication comes from your words – a very important 7%. Powerful storytellers and communicators use their body and face in a way that draws people in. You can learn to synchronize your body, vocal variety and the words you use to create very powerful persuasive communication.

In my Online Training Program – Breakthrough Storytelling Secrets, we’re going to take these 5 Skill-sets and learn how to implement them into your presentations. When you learn to embody communication skill-sets that allow you to be more influential, you can help more people, change more lives and generate more income, while growing your business beyond where it is now.

It was Brian Tracy that said, "Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.”

John Hancock Said, “The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and influence their actions.”

Your business and my business are very much the same – we help people. I realized along the way that if I didn’t have the skills to influence people to work with me, I was missing out on all the people who need me and if we can’t effectively communicate our value to others, we prevent ourselves from impacting more people and creating a business that thrives on it.

Is now the time to build these skill-sets? Would your business grow if you strengthened them? Could you help more people? Learn more about this 5-day program through this link below, and contact me if you have any questions at:

Training Program Link:

With Love,
George Ira Carroll
Transformational Training

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