Industry Leaders In Estate Planning Drafting Software Since 2001

Our Medicaid qualification worksheet is by far the most advanced in the industry and our Medicaid qualification software is the only software in the entire industry that helps you properly calculate Medicaid eligibility for any type of client. Not only does it help you identify the maximum amount of assets that can be protected in the shortest period of time, it helps you present it to the client in a methodology they can understand and you can be confident you can achieve.  

Click the video below and watch a short presentation on exactly how the Medicaid Qualifiction Worksheet Module in the LWP-CCS works.


By use of the Medicaid qualification software, you are able to provide not only clients, but also your referral sources, detailed opinion letters on the asset protection and Medicaid planning strategies you can utilize to get each client qualified in the soonest possible time, protecting the maximum amount of assets based on an individual fact pattern. More importantly, it also calculates the asset risk analysis and the funding road map to ensure the funding is done in a timely and effective manner.

Most recent editions include an IRA liquidation analysis and annuity versus trust planning analysis. An IRA liquidation analysis, which actually calculates the point in time in which it would have been more advantageous to liquidate the IRA and pay the tax, rather than annuitizing and taking the RMD. Another recent edition includes the annuity versus trust planning analysis which helps identify the exact amount of money needed to go into an annuity, and when it would be more effective for the client for a trust plan to be utilized. There is no other software in the industry or even training that provides this information and knowledge. And at Lawyers With Purpose, it's at your fingertips any time you'd like it, in real time.

I have been providing this Medicaid expertise to the national industry since 2001 and have introduced it to at least three different national estate planning legal organizations including the National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys, Wealth Council, and the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys. Bringing this knowledge into tools and systems to help estate and elder law attorney know they are not missing anything and getting the best possible result in their practice is something I enjoy brining to Lawyers With Purpose members.

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center


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