What Is Leadership? 5 Keys to Unlock The Leader Within You

Bigstock-Leadership-1883463-300x196The term leader, leadership, step up, etc., are all the buzz of today’s wish list in building a team. Yet when we ask people what leadership means to them we sadly find the meaning having an underlining theme of  “working with people that don’t 'bother' me, do their job, make sure the team is doing what they need to and a team where I can 'delegate to and they get it.'” Or some other compound variations that equal relieving them from any form of relationship—put your head down, do your work and you will get your paycheck. We’ve even heard “They should be thankful they have a job in this economy.” We can assure you; this is no way shape or form, leadership.

In our experience leadership is charting or changing the course for taking a stand for power for the people. It is simply put as mindfulness with hope and compassion.

Mindfulness is Self Awareness + Social Awareness + Self Management.

Self Awareness is showing up on time with empowering energy, general concern for everyone’s time and experience while with you. Social Awareness is holding people up, refraining from gossip, showing up focused, honoring your meetings, keeping your word and taking full responsibility for how you show up in the world. Self Management is showing up prepared without an unstable tone combination w/tension demands an onward motion. Even though most leaders are active, you don’t want to show up harsh with self serving need to “delegate.” The minute you become disengaged and start pointing at them you resign from being a leader.

Leadership is not strength or force.  It is not based on “old school” thinking that smart is good enough and that great leaders are tough and can always hang while leading—no one can sustain continuous strain. It is not survival of the fittest. Leadership does not manage from a place of control – go along to get along & must stay in the box built. It is not from a place of political position – sway whatever way, don’t make decisions or from a place of authoritative—fear based.

Every great leader touches your head to make you think, touches your heart to make you feel and always gives you something to carry with you later, a walk away message. The way we see leadership:

  • Never dehumanizes, fills up, to guide, to include and create
  • Tend and befriend vs. command and control
  • Willing to live the examined life, a spiritual seeker
  • How we do what we do, is just as important as what we do
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Power is used to bring wisdom and clarity for others
  • Not forced, common practice
  • In order to empower, you have to give up your power
  • Of the people, for the people while honoring them for their conviction

There is a new way of leadership that we are so excited to see glimmers of in small businesses across the country. The mental, physical and psychological toll extracted by the “old school”  pressures have lead to escalating personal sacrifice and ultimately, the well-phenomenon known of “burnout.” Through recognizing the cycle of Sacrifice and Renewal, entrepreneurs are renewing themselves using Mindfulness, Hope and Compassion. Through renewal, leaders can counteract the effects of work-related pressures, perform at their best over the long-term, and lead their companies to sustain long-term financial success.

5 Key Attributes to Unlock the Leader Within You

  • Have  a vision, be with a company that has one
  • Be authentic (know they self)
  • Be competent, while projecting warmth in your presence and delivery
  • Have confidence to make decisions
  • Be a communicator

What we find so amazing about the true abilities leaders, even when they have lead in a lot of areas. They have an ability to get people behind one another and bring the best in them out. They identify their weaknesses, and provide them solutions to increase their efficiency and productivity. They have the ability to be the manager (traffic control cop) and make sure that tasks are getting completed, with an empowering leadership element in that. It usually is very difficult to be manager/leader at the same time, but a true leader can accomplish this at all times. They can verbalize the “hard” things to say, even when it hurts, because it is accurate and necessary for the success of the company and the individuals in the company to personally succeed. 

A leader is loyal and committed with a calming way that permits people to let go of panic and trust in themselves to accomplish their goals.  A leader has the ability to help individuals sort through a tremendous amount of information and put them on a path of clarity and direction, with specific short term steps that lead to long term success

You know you have a great leadership when you have engaged employees that are innovative and empowered to get the job done!

Molly Hall

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