
The Big Easy ListServ

People-talking-online11-300x225Our members are inspiring with their commitment to helping each other in their day to day practice.  Every month we get hundreds of emails from our members sharing openly what they need to move something forward in their business.  Almost immediately they get a response from another attorneys running their own busy practice.

It really says a lot about our membership.  And the philosophies around how we work and think about each other.  Coming together as a community to help and empower each other with legal technical knowledge, marketing support, team support, drafting support, etc.

Running your practice is challenging.  The ListServ is one of the many tools available to help with the roadblocks.  Conversations between estate planning attorneys nationally supporting each other…. Having a colleague at your finger tips at any given time to give you what you need.  It's something so powerful, and so easy!

Know Your Colors to Strategize!

Have you ever thought about the amount of time you spend at the office?  Be honest and think about how much time you spend each day, and how many days each week.  Include the weekends!  On the average we see that most attorneys are spending 56 hours OR MORE per week.  With little or no vacation.  If you take that and divide it by your annual income, how much are you making per hour?  Doing the math may be painful but it can also give powerful insight on how important it is for you to be intentional with your time.  We did some calculations and it’s typical for a solo practitioner to be earning roughly $29.28 per hour.

Is this you?  Are you happy?

You have to be proactivein your day with clearly defined goals and a path to get you there.  You need to declare the practice you want to have and you have to create time standards to achieve it.  You've got to think in colors of the rainbow.  Blue, Green and Gold!

BLUE: The Time you spend on Lead Generation and Lead Conversion (commonly referred to as Marketing and Sales). At Lawyers with Purpose™, we call this Relationship Management and Client Enrollment.

GREEN:  The Time you spend on serving your clients to provide the value they hired you for. This requires working with your team utilizing systems and process to create consistent quality and reduce the time required by YOU.

YELLOW:  The time you spend operating your law firm business. While most view this as black time it is actually “Gold” if it’s Proactive!

You can have the practice you’ve always wanted if you are proactive with your time.  We promise, it’s that simple.  You can have staff that will support you in the essential areas to succeed, rather than reacting to everything around you, consistent (and increasing) cash flow and a quality of life for yourself, your family, your clients, and your community will be enhanced!  

Did you see that!

Did you ever hear that old saying when you buy a new car you see it everywhere?  That happened to us recently but not because we bought a new car.  Actually 2 weeks ago, we shared the 3 key needs to effectively run a successful law practice  at the LWP Annual Practice Enhancement Retreat.  We discovered  it all comes down to how you spend your time.

Now we see it impacting several practices in their firm marketing meetings. It  is simple … if you just classify your time into 3 categories: (1) Marketing (Lead Generation & Lead Conversion) (2) Money and (3) Operations.  The time you allocate should be 40% marketing, 40% money and 20% operations.  Marketing scares most lawyers but it can be simple if you have a structure to it.  For example, committing to just 2 – one and a half hour meetings a week with allied professionals can lead to a plethora of referrals if the follow-up to the meetings occur timely.  It is much more effective to manage one relationship well and create  a friendship that you enjoy, rather  than to have 5 meetings and poor follow up with any.  With just 2 meetings a week you can manage 10 relationships that meet every 30-45 days and 20 relationships that meet quarterly, semi-annually or annually.  The trick is to be intentional and truly enjoy the person you are working with!

For more information visit our website at  We're happy to help!

Thank You

Well its Wednesday and I survived all the 2×4’s from being out of the office last week at the Annual Practice Enhancement Retreat – in fact my wood chipper was ready and I am merrily preparing for a few down days to share with my family this Thanksgiving weekend.  So a quick note to let you know how thankful I am for you sharing time with us last week.  WOW!!  Is all I can say.

Susan and Jeff rocked our world on Wednesday showing us the practical approach to implement the RMS™ and CES™ (Client Enrollment System) -  And who can forget Thursday when Molly and I led you to create your individual and firm time templates to ensure you had the proper “Blue” “Green” and “Yellow” time to succeed in 2013  – its time to add some color to your life!  Then Friday when Candy led us in a “First Among Equals” conversation to set our rules of engagement with our team members, and our 2013 Action plan – but remember, none if it is worthwhile without YOU and your commitment.

Thank you for who you are and your commitments to your teams and the LWP/MPS Communities!  – Many Blessings this Thanksgiving to you and your family — Dave


What’s Your True Value to Your Clients?

Value-panoramic_12725-300x140Action: Donna M. came to see us; her mother was in a nursing home, Donna arrived highly organized. We were quickly able to determine if she provided the information presented to us through Mediciad, her mother would qualify immediately. Unsure of what to do next, we asked how we could assist her. She smiled and said, “Help me dear, with the Medicaid application, I can’t handle the stress.”

Result: Even though she had everything in order, she hired us to file the application because she quickly saw how we could reduce her stress.

Moral of the story: Take the time to get to know exactly what your clients are looking for; it may surprise you!


Looking to Make the Leap from Attorney to Entrepreneur?

Change_is_coming-300x173Take control of your practice! The cheese has moved!

The cataclysmic change in the American economy over the last several years has changed everything! The way we must operate as attorneys, the thought process clients who used to purchase our services and the value we are able to show them, is all different. If you are the owner of your practice, you must be prepared to lead, follow or get out of the way!

In my experience over the past few years, it has become clear that this new economy is all about being responsive. People are not waiting for you to return calls. You must be prepared when the calls come in, no whining or you will be left behind.

To be a leader, you must proceed with confidence in the face of uncertainty! Today’s economy demands a high attention to customer satisfaction and service, not from your perspective, but from theirs! So how do you maintain confidence and lead? Let Lawyers With Purpose be your guide. The best way to maintain your confidence is to associate with others who have it. Lawyers With Purpose members have created an organization of the highest integrity with tremendous abundance to support their fellow members. Follow the process. Don’t reinvent it, don’t tweak it. As Dan Sullivan said, be stupid! Just do it. I have tested and tried these processes in my active practice every day and they are working.

In all change, there is a winner and a loser. You determine what side you’re on. Stay focused, stay committed, stay confident and stay on target and your success will be the result. If you always do what you’ve always done, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. Remember The E-Myth by Michael Gerber, “For a successful small business, you must be an entrepreneur, manager and technician.” To ensure you’re doing this properly, I encourage you to calendar days of the week that you will be acting in each of those roles and stick to it. Ensure you have at least 2 ½ days a week where you are acting as entrepreneur (seeking out new business); 2 days a week to do work; and one day a week to manage yourself by planning and managing your company. Lead, follow or get out of the way!