
What Infrastructure Do You Really Need To Run Your Practice In The Cloud?

Cloud Computing Has Changed The Game 

Every now and then technology forces businesses to change the way they operate. The typewriter led to typing pools and carbon paper before being replaced by word-processors on mainframes and then on personal computers. The fax machine replaced the need for some postal services and is in turn being replaced by email.

Bigstock-Cloud-computing-concept-21983423Similarly, for small to medium sized businesses, cloud computing is replacing the need for in-house networks and servers.

The Advent of the IT Consultant

In the beginning stand-alone PC’s were simple to deal with, however the benefits of linking them together quickly became apparent, and this gave rise to the “local area network” (LAN). Things quickly became complicated and business owners no longer had the skills, or the time, to deal with this. Information Technology (IT) consultants stepped in to fill the void and a new industry sprang up.

Then Things Changed

Cloud computing has arrived, and allows the complexity of networks and shared services to move out of the office and onto the Internet (a.k.a. “the Cloud”).  Business owners no longer have to concern themselves with technology and can focus their full attention on their businesses.

The New Breed of IT Consultant

The smart IT consultants have embraced the change and have found greater opportunities to engage with their clients at the application layer. Rather than crawling around under desks hooking up wires and servers the new breed of IT consultants work with their clients on things such as selecting the best cloud technologies and adapting them to match their client’s business processes. Business owners immediately see the value of this type of engagement because the consultant is talking to them in terms they understand; sales conversion, production workflow, document automation, efficiency, profitability, etc.

The Old School

Unfortunately not all IT consultants have made the transition and many are still encouraging business owners to install complicated and expensive in-house technology over superior and more affordable cloud options.

To register for our Webinar TOMORROW at 4:30 EST to learn more about the LWP/Action Step Cloud Based Workflow System, and get your questions answered register now!

Roslyn Drotar – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose


When Cash And Time Are Choking

It’s holiday time, your team has been pre-approved for planned vacation time and you have seven clients who have hired you in the past two weeks.

What’s the problem, you ask?

Well, last week you finally had the time to sit down with Jolie, your drafter, to go over all the files sitting on the floor in the north corner of your office. Jolie reminds you that you approved her vacation time in August. She’s out Wednesday and won’t be back for eight business days.

The clients are scheduled for their signing meetings the day after she gets back.

  1. You won’t have time to review the trusts, make the changes, and print and assemble the documents.
  2. You will have to work nights and weekends and, between all the trying band concerts, choir concerts and white elephant parties your wife already committed you to etc., your weekends and evenings are not exactly looking like an available resource.

That is why I am personally enthusiastic about the “Pay Per Trust” model. Finally law firms can outsource their back-office administrative activities to free themselves up to meet with clients and referral sources – the activities that create consistent cash flow. And the best part is, this will also enable the team to focus on client services and referral relationship management.

Are you ready to make a move and start focusing your already minimal time on growing your practice – without spending countless hours drafting trusts or hiring extra help? The BONUSES are:

  1. No contract at all. Only pay us when you have a client, whether that is once or multiple times a month.
  2. Try our back-office trust drafting and received $100 off your first trust using the discount code of “HOLIDAY,” but act now – this offer ends 12/31/14.

Click here to find our how to “try it on,” and if it doesn’t fit, you don’t have to show here again. But I highly doubt that will be your result. 

Committed to your success,

Dave Zumpano

Pay Per Trust

For the past decade I have been hearing from attorneys that business would be great “But for the drafting. I am drafting nights, weekends and it is literally killing me.”

Molly has been hearing the same from the support team side. The average phone call coming into the office is 19 minutes long, “I am the only one here to answer phones, greet clients, draft the trusts, the funding and everything else. WHEN ARE WE EVER GOING TO CATCH A BREAK…?”

Finally, a Solution for Busy Attorneys Who Don’t Have the Time, Staff, or Software to Generate Comprehensive Trust Documents for Their Clients.

I am pleased to be able to provide you with a solution so that you can:

  • Spend more time meeting with clients and less time drafting
  • Increase productivity and profits without increasing staff
  • Meet with clients and design their plan and have a completed trust back in FIVE business days and be able to conduct the Signing meeting

Click here to learn more about Pay Per Trust and how to get one administrative headache off your desk TODAY to free you up to work on revenue producing activities!

And to help you reach goal by the end of the year, we’re offering a $100 ONE TIME for first time users discount that expires 12/3/14 at MIDNIGHT.  Just add in the code "HOLIDAY" when checking out.

To your Success,

Dave Zumpano


Start With Where You Are NOW…

There we are together.  The last day of the retreat, October 24, after walking through each and every conversation we’ve had during our Why Coaching Days since we began the journey together in January of 2013.


Bigstock-Athletes-At-The-Sprint-Start-L-58880123The topics alone were big, but what came out of them was even bigger.  My favorite was, “You Must Be What You Want From The World” – just let that one sink in for a minute, remind yourself and then pull out your Action Plan from that day 22 months ago.

Getting back to October 24– today I looked at “My Four Month Focus” workbook.  It caused me to ask myself just what Dave asked us that day: “What future do I choose and what am I deciding to take from my past to use in the present to live a life I love?”  The answer to that question starts with “Where am I – today?”

I wrote down a few things that impacted me getting where I am today: (1) the work I’ve done with the support of my life coach; (2) working with the best estate planning attorneys nationally alongside their teams, sharing and growing TOGETHER (our members really move me); (3) the daily inspiration I get from my three boys.

So I put those things into play via a “Freedom Cycle” activity onto my LWP Progress Focuser to carry over to another tool that I’ll get to in a bit.

Next we had an internal reflections exercise.  They’re necessary when you look at where you are; they may not be always fun to play with, but they ALWAYS provide opportunities to grow.  My insights were: (1) stop trying to add value at the risk of dampening commitments and adding my own .02 in every conversation; (2) pay attention to others’ behaviors more during conversations; (3) work on my “winning” and “excuses” mindset when I need to get er’ done.

We moved through five activities that day, and each provided us with three insights.  Now this is where the carry-over comes from my previously mentioned “Freedom Cycle.” We walked away with an action plan for the next four months that hit:

  1. Where I am;
  2. My Freedom Cycle;
  3. Progress Focuser;
  4. Destructive Habits;
  5. Present Focuser.

All of this was contained within one booklet that is in front of me DAILY.  I’ve completed an Idea Focuser for each one based on my insights.  I’ve set a goal, written down how I’m going to measure progress, and I know the benefits, my obstacles, and the contribution to others and myself. The strategies are written down that I will use to overcome obstacles, along with the next action and the “by when” date. 

During this process, it hit me that I’ve been tabling a goal of mine for “reasons,” and all I need to do is put time in my calendar, and not let it get trumped by ANYTHING, to fuel my inner Quick Start/Follow Through.  So, I added that to the agenda for our Board of Directors meeting to make 100% sure someone was holding me accountable week in and week out to get it done.

And that was just the first thing I added to my Future Focuser.  There are four more that are a blend of personal and professional goals in front of me daily, to hit by February 2014, when I will be back in the room with LWP, our members and their team in Charlotte!  I can't wait.  It'll be a lot to work on between now and then – but I'm taking it all one step at a time.  With today and where I am now…. I can't wait to look back in February 2015.

Let me know what you’ve DECIDED that will enable you to live a life you love!  You can email me at or comment below.  If you would like go through the Why Day Power Point "What Got You Here Won't Get You There" click here.  And if you are interested in any of the tools we used that I mentioned, feel free to email Molly Hall at  

Roslyn Drotar – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose



So You Didn’t Make It To Phoenix? Check Out What’s Been Uploaded…

There is absolutely no substitute for sitting in a large conference room with people who do the same thing you do, day-after-day.  They “get” your challenges because they face similar ones.

Bigstock-Upload-sign-icon-Upload-butto-56363555And you missed out on brain storming and sharing ideas out on the patio or in the bar after meeting hours.  You didn’t get a chance to sit down with your CC&I coach or your attorney mentor coach face-to-face to discuss what’s holding your team back or to celebrate your victories.

Last, but certainly not least, you and your team missed out on the nine break-out sessions that covered subjects ranging from “Business Succession Planning” to “Busting Financial Advisory Myths.”  Even if you DID make it to Phoenix, you’re only one person, right?  Maybe you had to make hard choices about which break-out sessions you could attend and heard great things about the ones you missed.

Great news!

So far, three of the nine break-out sessions have been added to the member website, with another three scheduled to be uploaded later this week. 

Posted …

Community Presentations & Relations, Presented by Jennifer Rozelle

A how-to guide to securing and presenting Community presentations; how to get them; topic ideas; how to organize and plan them; and how to use them to feed your workshops.  Learn the distinctions among Public Workshops, Private Workshops, Professional Presentations and Community Presentations


Post-Death Trust Administration, Presented by Liz Evans

What to do when the 1st spouse dies; what to do after the surviving spouse dies.  A practical look at post-death administration issues.


How to Generate Facility Revenue:  Getting & Staying in the Door with Nursing Homes, Presented by Roslyn Drotar & Meredith Glendenning

Walk away with a comprehensive nursing home/facility process, which you can go back and implement into your practice, immediately.  Learn only what works (we’re saving you from the disastrous efforts) to not only get in the door to nursing homes, not only begin generating revenue, but quadrupling revenue & how to keep it going!


Coming later this week …

Busting Financial Advisor Myths, Presented by Jeff Bellomo & Lou Leyes

Respond with confidence to common myths surrounding asset protection, irrevocable trusts, qualified funds, etc.  Get the advisor off of their “default” setting and into strategic, client-centered planning.   


You’ve Defined Roles … Now What? Presented by Roslyn Drotar

It is important to provide clear definition and understanding of roles.  You’ve defined roles, now what?  Learn how to take the role definition to the next level.  Learn the skills needed to go beyond just making certain nothing falls through the cracks.  Learn different approaches, regardless of the circumstances to create accountability AND work together at your team best!


Business Succession Planning Presented by Dave Zumpano

An advanced level legal-technical session – what to do when the business planning client already has a corporation structure (LLCs, S-Corps, C-Corps) – creating a business succession plan.


10 Key Features of the Trust Drafting Software That You Need to Know, Presented by Aaron Miller

Learn the 10 key features of the LWP-CCS Trust Drafting software and how to make them a multiplier to distinguish you in your Estate Planning community.  


Coming in December

What’s Happening in the Conference Room? – The Signing and Funding Meetings, Presented by Susan Hunter

The third of the “Conference Room” series – designed to give the team a look at what, exactly, occurs for the client during the key meetings.  Team members will be better equipped to assist clients while they navigate the process, and can set expectations or answer questions directly.  Attorneys who attend will learn how to delegate these meetings to their team.


Communication Skills, Presented by Susan Hunter

Take the next step in developing your communication skills; sharpen your saw with practical applications of MIFy™ and Power-in-Partnership™ including client meetings and team conversations. 

While you’re at it, take a look around the member website.  We’ve been making changes to follow LWP processes more closely in the web layout.  This should make it much easier for members to find tools and materials to support their practices.

If you have comments or suggestions about the website layout, I’d love to hear them.  Write me at

Nedra Catale – Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose



The Art Of Surrender

“Let go or be dragged.” ~ Zen proverb

Four weeks ago the LWP partners began our customary quarterly partners retreat at a Hyatt in Atlanta at 9 a.m. sharp. We began the day in customary fashion, after Dave ensured that we had a mealtime plan, by analyzing our quarterly goals. We carefully reviewed who is doing what to reach goal, our money plan from the previous quarter and then where we have nobody leading.

Bigstock-White-flag-old-style-vector-54229970Like all businesses, marketing was where the spotlight shined loud and clear. What I appreciate about our collective skill sets is how quickly we are able to shift from driver mode right into solution mode. We revisited hiring outside consultants, as we have done in the past. It would take at least six months to get them up and running; plus, how do we find someone who understands the dynamic of an estate and elder law firm vs. a hunt and kill mindset at all cost?

At the end of the day we agreed that I would go full-time into marketing. I am naturally the best person to lead this, and the organization needs me to lead it, own it and nurture it.

I’m not going to lie – I resisted. Hard. My control freak showed up immediately:  “I know (control freaks always know best) that X will happen,” “Who’s going to lead Y,” “Who’s going to coach Z,” “We have been making such great progress on Z, I can’t just abandon ’em now.”

I finally GOT IT. I have been working with team members for 17 years, hearing the exact same words when their attorneys ask them to step up and replace themselves. I never fully understood what the root of the resistance was. Now I get it.

The hesitation does not stem solely from fear and the unknown aspects of change. It’s not just fear of what’s next and whether the team member can actually pull it off. Sure, the uncertainty is a big piece, and fear of failure has a giant room at the inn as well.  But in all honesty, the biggest piece comes down to leaving with a feeling of abandonment – abandoning the team, the clients and what you have taken personal pride in developing and perfecting. It’s the essence of, “I said I would do this and I gave it my all and now I’m leaving the baby. Do they have all they need to make certain this doesn’t nosedive?”

So we resist, we justify that “they need me” and we attempt to control the situation, instead of investing in how we are going to become the next, better version of ourselves and create a better version of the business. Dang it, there it is again, that 2mm shift.

But if we can detach from the logistics of how what we are currently doing will get done, and anchor to how we are going to step into our new role/world/life, the art of surrendering begins.

As soon as I got on the plane, I got to work. I looked at what I am doing non-marketing-related and to whom I can responsibly shift it over. I quickly came up with a suggested transition plan. I pulled out our marketing plan, the money plan, and realized not only that I can do this, but that I am very much the best person for the job. I can do this, and I will do this. I sat for the next two hours and 20 minutes while trapped on the plane and mentally surrendered to letting go of what was, to allow the new reality to permeate, and to embrace the sense of excitement, along with a healthy level of challenge.

But I couldn’t do it without detaching first and allowing for the possibility of what’s next to unfold. Yes, I know this is a skill and it must be practiced, daily. And it is never, ever mastered. But like my good friend Candee always says, “You must be willing to try it on.”

That honestly is the process for giving up control and the art of surrendering. It’s simply one small step (emotions, logistics and movement) at a time. And then you can course a realistic present and a future path and plan. Eventually you find your new normal.  And that’s really the story of growth.

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.



The term “leadership” is all the rage on social media these days – and it is definitely on most entrepreneurs’ wish lists. Yet when I ask people what leadership means to them, I often hear some multifaceted variation that’s equivalent to dismissing the need for relationship. In this day and age I have actually heard, “People today should be thankful they have a job in this economy.” I can assure you, in no way, shape or form is this leadership.

Bigstock-Leadership-concept-image-with--53690437In my experience, leadership is charting or changing the course to take a stand for unity. It’s so much more about finding leadership within that will get the work out and the consistent cash flow in. And fast. It is Mindfulness + Self Awareness + Social Awareness + Self Management.

Self-Awareness is showing up on time with empowering energy, and general concern for everyone’s time and experience while they are with you. Social Awareness is supporting your team, showing up focused and present, keeping your word and taking full responsibility for how you show up in the world. Self-Management is showing up prepared, projecting onward motion, without an unstable tone combined with tension demands. Even though most leaders are active, you don’t want to come off harsh, with a self-serving need to push your own agenda. The minute you become disengaged and start pointing at them, you resign from being a leader.

Leadership is not strength or force.  It is not based on “old school” thinking that smart is good enough and that great leaders are tough and can always muscle through – no one can sustain continuous strain. It is not survival of the fittest. Leadership does not manage from a place of control – team has to go along to get along and must stay in the box built. It is not from a place of personal position – sway whichever way, defer decisions or create fear based on authority.

Every great leader touches your head to make you think, touches your heart to make you feel and always gives you something to carry with you later, a walk-away message. The way I see leadership, here are some of the key tenets:

  • Never dehumanizes, but fills up, guides, includes and creates
  • Tend and befriend vs. command and control
    • Willing to live the examined life, a spiritual seeker
    • How we do what we do is just as important as what we do
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Power is used to bring wisdom and clarity for others
    • Not forced, common practice
    • In order to empower, you have to give up your power
    • Of the people, for the people while honoring them for their conviction

Leaders have an ability to get people behind one another and bring out the best in each of them. They identify their own weaknesses, and provide solutions to increase efficiency and productivity. Never “Here’s what’s wrong, now solve it or we’ll be having a different conversation.” They are very much “part of.” They have the ability to be the manager and make sure that tasks are getting completed, with an empowering leadership element in that. It usually is very difficult to be manager/leader at the same time, but true leaders can accomplish this at all times. They can verbalize the “hard” things to say, even when it hurts, because they are accurate and necessary for the growth and success of the company and the individuals in the company – even when they can’t see it. 

A leader is loyal and committed, with a reassuring way that permits people to let go of panic and trust in themselves to accomplish their goals.  A leader has the ability to help individuals sort through a tremendous amount of information and put them on a path of clarity and direction, with specific short-term steps that lead to long-term success.

You know you have great leadership when you have engaged employees who are innovative and empowered to get the job done while never being afraid to use their voice!

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.


Building vs. Growing

“The tools that got you out of Egypt are not the same tools that will get you to the Promised Land.” ~ Dan Sullivan

Bigstock-wood-textured-backgrounds-in-a-54493616There is an inherent difference between what it takes to build vs. grow a business.  I see people buying into building when they need growing, and people buying into growing when they need building. In the law firm diagnostic calls I do, I see about 1% of entrepreneurs who need growth. I my personal opinion, those percentages should be more balanced, but buyers haven’t identified the status of the business prior to purchasing, so they just buy from everywhere. I can guarantee you when you call LWP, our sole commitment is to determine where attorneys stand, first and foremost, so we can determine what help they need.

When you’re in the infancy stage of your business, you need to build. Here’s what that looks like:


  1. Time/focus management
  2. Revenue Focuser
  3. Goal-setting with SMRs
  4. Project Focusers
  5. Team development, training and implementation
  6. Systems and processes
  7. Weekly cash flow tracking and reporting
  8. Lead generation and lead conversion systems
  9. Lead generation and lead conversion tracking
  10. Companywide communication skills that are consistent from initial contact to the closing of the file

Choosing just one of the above will not work long-term. Each piece is very much part of the global puzzle. In my experience, purchasing a lead-generation system is not going to be the magic bullet. Great, maybe it got your phone ringing, but if you don’t have a system to convert  those leads into paying customers, you’ll be quickly saying, “I bought that marketing guru’s X that she was guaranteeing would do A, B and C. And it didn’t. I didn’t get one person to hire me. It was garbage. She’s a crook.” Well, that statement may not be accurate; the product probably did get your phone to ring. But it wouldn’t matter without a system to process, track, follow up with and measure the lead. Where did the initial contact come from? What did we guide the client to do next? (Clients are calling for your guidance on what to do next; you must always have something to enroll them in that will give them that guidance.)

If you’re like most solopreneurs, you need to get money in the door before you can even think of purchasing a system for your client services coordinator, or putting in a time management system. “I’ll look into that after I have cash flow,” you think. So you may purchase a killer “Generate $10,000 a day in 3 easy steps” system. You generate your first $10K, but you pulled a few later nights, not realizing that the extra work is actually the “system” that it’s going to take to make the $10K a day.  Sure, this one piece of the puzzle that you purchased did produce what it promised, but at what cost? If you calculate your hourly rate, your team’s hourly rate and the possibility of shutting down other areas of your business to get this done, you would probably be horrified. (For the fun of it, email me if you would like our “what are you worth” exercise. Send me your completed exercise and I’ll lead a 30-minute analysis call to review your results. Consider it a gift.)

By now, you’re getting the picture. I have attorneys calling me daily saying, “I don’t need all that; I am just getting started and need to build my business first. I just need X.” Sadly, they come back a few months later (hopefully) or years later (more accurate) in a worse spot, with frustrated stories of how they bought this, did this program and “none of them produced what was promised.” This most often is not the complete picture.

What was missing for them was that they didn’t invest the time to lay out the big picture of what it takes to build a business. It is never one precise tool; it is very much an all-encompassing “and.” The “and” is a process that hits all areas of determining your monthly revenue goal and what it’s going to take to get there (how many appointments, what appointments are paying), time management (which days are money days, which are production days, which are project days),  lead generation, relationship management, system,  a team-centric approach to reach goal, etc. You get the point. In my experience, when your business is in the personal services industry, it is next to impossible to build a business without a widespread approach.

Building a business means implementing some or all of the items listed above. The pieces are up and running, on a consistent basis. There are not peaks and pits in your leads, referrals or paying clients. You’ve removed the revolving door at the entrance to your office for employees. Your business is systematized, with all areas automated and integrated. It is 80% team-led, freeing up the entrepreneur to spend 80% of their time in front of people (synergy referral meetings, existing and prospective client meetings and leveraged speaking events).

Once you’ve built your business, then you start to address the following growth components.


  1. Actuary referral and client statistics to create target marketing
  2. Elevation offerings for your existing clients
  3. Professional and client advisory boards
  4. Client and referral appreciation programs
  5. Team empowerment and leadership programs
  6. A  three-pronged marketing approach to double your revenue, year after year (and it’s only dependent on you as the business owner)
  7. Tri-annual practice enhancement retreats facilitated by professionals
  8. An annual maintenance program that allows you to be your own bank
  9. An internal lead system that relieves the business owner from operations, team training and law firm management
  10. Operating all areas of your business from an automated knowledge, workflow and CRM program that allows your business to be dependent on reporting and tracking instead of human familiarity
  11. A system for creating an exit strategy for a saleable practice (when you’re ready)

When you’re striving to generate monthly revenue – and that includes keeping the lights on and paying yourself each month, not taking what may be left over – you shouldn’t be in the market for a robust CRM program that will hand you leads that you can’t even follow up with. You need a building a business plan. You need such a plan when you’re striving to remove yourself from day-to-day operations because you have complete confidence that your business is systematized and generating consistent everything. You need it when you’re ready to move on to your next chapter of making certain the profit margin grows each year, but it’s not solely dependent on you to get the work done.

That is what I am most proud of with LWP: our members. So many of them had the presence to see the difference between the two; they had the patience to get through the building phase and the shrewdness to consciously move into the CONTROLLED growth phase (our motto is, do not blow everything up for the sake of growth). I am honored to be on this journey with them.  

Molly L. Hall, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, and author of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Spirit in the Process.


When It Comes To Medicaid, What Is The Break-even Point

The break-even point is the point at which it doesn’t matter whether the individual applies for Medicaid or continues to private pay.  Either way, the individual is going to pay the same amount. 

Bigstock-Marketing-background--Break-E-69885466Let’s say that the minimum months to qualify is 20 months.  The break-even point is 40 months.  (60 minus 20).  If at any time the individual goes into the nursing home and applies for Medicaid prior to 40 months, you will “flip the switch” and apply for Medicaid.  The penalty period is 20 months, so the individual private will have to private pay for those 20 months.  If that was done in month 10, then the individual will pay the penalty until the 30th month from the date of the funding of the iPug.  (10 months plus 20 months penalty = 30 months from funding).  The individual will begin to receive Medicaid benefits the 31st month.  The individual does not have to wait until month 60 from the date of the funding to get their benefits in that scenario.

If the individual applies for Medicaid on the break-even point – month 40, they will still have a 20 month penalty, which will push them to 60 months from the funding date.  If they don’t apply for Medicaid in month 40, then the individual would have to private pay for those 20 months until month 60.  After which time, the individual will apply for Medicaid and Medicaid won’t see the transfer 61 months earlier.  Either way it costs the same; it doesn’t matter whether you apply for Medicaid or not.  (That said, know your local rules too – in Texas for example, there is a slight benefit for being on Medicaid and in the penalty period, so I would probably go ahead and apply at the break-even point for Texas residence).

Now, if the individual becomes ill in month 45 and goes to the nursing home and applies for Medicaid, then applying for Medicaid still triggers the 20 month penalty.  This will push the Medicaid eligibility out past the 60 months to month 65 (45 months from funding plus 20 months of penalty).  This is beyond the initial 60 months from funding, so you don’t want to apply for Medicaid after the break-even point.  If the individual makes it past the break-even point before they need a nursing home, they will private pay the nursing home cost until month 60.  After month 60 passes, the individual can apply for Medicaid and answer “no” to the question of have you given any money away in the last 60 months and avoid the 20 month penalty.

David J. Zumpano, Esq, CPA, Co-founder Lawyers With Purpose, Founder and Senior Partner of Estate Planning Law Center


Sometimes It Takes A Clear Vision Of Your Future To Prompt Change

I’ve been living in a construction zone for weeks, but tomorrow it will start to get better.   Three weeks ago we ripped out our carpet and started moving furniture and painting.  Tomorrow the flooring guys arrive with beautiful new carpet and we can finally move our furniture back in from the garage, the bathroom, the kitchen, the patio … wherever we’ve found a few inches to stash stuff.  My office is the last to go.  

Bigstock-VISION-word-cloud-in-a-US-traf-48040718Having my house upside down and walking on gritty concrete floors has made me just a little nuts.  I’m one of those “my home is my castle” people.

Why would anyone choose to go through this?

Through Strengthfinders I’ve discovered that while I’m not overly fond of change, it’s uncertainty and not having a clear vision or plan that keeps me awake at night.  Give me a clear vision of the desired outcome and I will make all kinds of sacrifices to get to that outcome.

Lately, I find myself working with an increasing number of teams interested in implementing an RMS process.   I know what the future holds for them – I have such a clear vision of it – and am so excited about the direction in which they’ve chosen to go.  What impresses me is that they trust the system enough to go through a transition period, a time of uncertainty, with faith that putting in hard work and carving out dedicated time will give them a breakthrough with their business.

A Relationship Management System is a systematized, dedicated, deliberate and painstaking approach to building professional relationships.  Doing it “right” means being fully committed and unwilling to give up or become distracted and neglectful.   It takes a clear vision of the desired outcome and an unfaltering commitment to reaching that goal.

Does your team have a clear vision of what the goal line looks like?  If you’re the team leader, how clear is your own vision?  How often do you, as a team, focus on your long-term goals?  Or are you totally consumed with putting out the day-to-day fires in your office?

If you are an LWP Member and you and your team are ready to take the next step – to set long-term goals and form an action plan focused on developing an RMS process and would like some help, let your CCI coach know!  

If you're not a member, reach out to Molly Hall at or 877-299-0326 x 102 and she can walk you through what we have to offer to get your phone ringing and filling your pipeline.

Nedra Catale, Coaching, Consulting & Implementation – Lawyers With Purpose