Why Most Lawyers Fail…

The entrepreneurial seizure happens when the natural technician who enjoys doing the work finally has a different experience – frustration.

The technician says to himself, "Wait a minute, I didn’t start my own business to do data entry nights and weekends." He or she believes they must be missing something.

In that moment, their fate is sealed.

As lawyers, we are technicians.

In "The E-myth Revisited," Michael Gerber explains that most business owners make a fatal assumption. They understand the technical work, so they mistakenly believe that means they also understand the business that provides the technical work.

Unfortunately, this is simply not true! And this belief that they know enough ultimately leads them to failure.

Most lawyers fail because they never had any formal training on how to run a business.

It's not enough to perform as an outstanding lawyer.

You probably don't know enough about finance, marketing, management, and operations.

The good news is, these subjects are easy enough to learn.

Bigstock-time-for-change-67475953As Gerber says in his book, "You must analyze your business as it is today, decide what it must be like when you've finally got it just like you want it, and then determine the gap between where you are and where you need to be in order to make your dream a reality. And then delegate the rest."

I have the tool to help you start to do that: Pay Per Trust back-office trust drafting.

Walk into 2015 without the baggage of 2014. FINALLY get control of your business's financial health, delegate the admin so you can focus your time on meeting with clients to actually increase cash flow.

The bottom line is, this tool will free you up to focus on revenue-generating activities without increasing your overhead.

Click here to take full advantage of back-office trust drafting and received $100 off your first trust using the discount code of “HOLIDAY”. But act now, because this offer ends 12/31/14. 

Committed to your success,

Dave Zumpano

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