Inside Marketing To Veterans – Keep It Simple!


Veterans are humble of their actions, yet proud of their accomplishments. When marketing to veterans, it is important to remember the personality of the target market. For estate planning and elder care attorneys, our target market is WWII and Korean War veterans. Noble men and women who do not like to brag, yet will have a picture of themselves in uniform or a certificate of discharge hanging on a wall.

Do you plan your marketing strategy and budget in advance? How much do you spend to acquire one new client? Are you over spending or under spending? Is there a simpler way?

One simple strategy that I have discovered when marketing to veterans is to do it from the inside. What does that mean? Take really good care of the current client and they will then take care of you. While most law firms focus on outside marketing through media, seminars and personal meetings with professionals (all important), many do not take any action to continue to market once the client is inside the office.

How do we do this for veterans? For each veteran who signs an estate plan or receives an award for Improved Pension with Aid and Attendance, we provide to the veteran a Certificate of Recognition for the accomplishment they just achieved. Signing a solid estate plan taking care of themselves and their loved ones for years to come is an accomplishment. Going through the process of applying for VA benefits, and getting them in a timely manner, is an accomplishment. Thus, we recognize the effort and achievement of doing so.

How is this considered marketing? First, you have exceeded the expectation of the current client. You did not only provide and complete an estate plan or VA benefits plan, as expected, you recognized and honored your client for their part in the plan as well. You made them feel individualized and special. Second, that client who is now very pleased with the service received will go brag about you to all of his buddies at the VFW or the assisted living facility. A veteran will not brag about himself, but he will brag about others. You can and should be that “other” that he brags about. What is the value of one new client that heard about you from a satisfied customer?

How much was the framed certificate? $1.50. How much time did it take you to do? One minute to print and five minutes to present. Much cheaper and a lot less time than lunch with another colleague who may or may not brag about your services when the meal is done.

Recommendations for the certificate:

  1. Type or beautifully print the veterans name and rank on the certificate.
  2. Use language of true honor and accomplishment.
  3. Put “Presented by YOUR FIRM NAME”
  4. Put the Lawyers with Purpose logo with name that connects you to a larger, meaningful organization.
  5. Print in color or have a gold seal to make the certificate stand out.
  6. Keep it simple, not flashy.

Once you begin to present certificates of recognition and accomplishment to your veteran clients, you will notice a change in both your current and future clients. You will also notice a change in the attitudes of your team members, creating an environment of respect. It does not take a huge budget or hours upon hours to acquire the next perfect client. It only takes one simple act of kindness within the firm to a current client to generate a steady flow of qualified, appreciative, paying clients.

If you are considering becoming a member of Lawyers With Purpose, and want to get in a room and discover what we can offer for asset protection, Medicaid & VA click here for information on our two day summit in Phoenix, AZ. Seats are limited and the last event sold out quickly!

Victoria L. Collier, Certified Elder Law Attorney, Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Co-Founder, Lawyers with Purpose, LLC, Veteran of the U.S.A.F. and author of 47 Secret Veterans’ Benefits for Seniors…Benefits You Have Earned but Don’t Know About and 47 Secret Marketing Strategies for Veterans Benefits Attorneys.

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