Looking to Make the Leap from Attorney to Entrepreneur?

Change_is_coming-300x173Take control of your practice! The cheese has moved!

The cataclysmic change in the American economy over the last several years has changed everything! The way we must operate as attorneys, the thought process clients who used to purchase our services and the value we are able to show them, is all different. If you are the owner of your practice, you must be prepared to lead, follow or get out of the way!

In my experience over the past few years, it has become clear that this new economy is all about being responsive. People are not waiting for you to return calls. You must be prepared when the calls come in, no whining or you will be left behind.

To be a leader, you must proceed with confidence in the face of uncertainty! Today’s economy demands a high attention to customer satisfaction and service, not from your perspective, but from theirs! So how do you maintain confidence and lead? Let Lawyers With Purpose be your guide. The best way to maintain your confidence is to associate with others who have it. Lawyers With Purpose members have created an organization of the highest integrity with tremendous abundance to support their fellow members. Follow the process. Don’t reinvent it, don’t tweak it. As Dan Sullivan said, be stupid! Just do it. I have tested and tried these processes in my active practice every day and they are working.

In all change, there is a winner and a loser. You determine what side you’re on. Stay focused, stay committed, stay confident and stay on target and your success will be the result. If you always do what you’ve always done, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. Remember The E-Myth by Michael Gerber, “For a successful small business, you must be an entrepreneur, manager and technician.” To ensure you’re doing this properly, I encourage you to calendar days of the week that you will be acting in each of those roles and stick to it. Ensure you have at least 2 ½ days a week where you are acting as entrepreneur (seeking out new business); 2 days a week to do work; and one day a week to manage yourself by planning and managing your company. Lead, follow or get out of the way!

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